September 21, 2017

During the past few months, Joyce Drew, county archivist, along with volunteers from the genealogy society and members of the commuity have partically moved books from the basement of the Old State Bank Building to new quarters in the basement of the Courthouse. ...

During the past few months, Joyce Drew, county archivist, along with volunteers from the genealogy society and members of the commuity have partically moved books from the basement of the Old State Bank Building to new quarters in the basement of the Courthouse. The county commissioners felt that the Courthouse would provide better working conditions for the volunteers. Workers from the county successfully transported many volumes of books dealing with Butler County's history, but some still remain in the basement of the bank building.

It was not an easy task. Many volumes of taxes, wills, circuit court cases, marriage and divorce records, as well as land registrations dating back to the late 1840s had to be moved and then relocated to new areas. Old and new shelving had to be up for the transition. After the books arrived at their new location, they had to be cataloged, inventoried, and put in order.

An open house was held Friday, Aug. 11, to show the community the new offices of the Archive. Those participating in the open house were: Joyce Drew, Catherine Richmond, Linder Surber, Kenny Barker, Connie Warren, June Allen, Freda Wilkerson, Mary Cross, Shirley Pearman,, and Darlene MeNeelis.

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Renee Farris, regional archivist for the State of Missouir, also was in attendance.

There was a good turnout. Staff members from several of the county government offices attended. Members of the public attended and many were suprised at the amount of history available at the Archive. Some of the attendees told of their own family history in Butler County.

Visitors were welcomed at the door and them escorted through the various offices by volunteers to show how the records were cleaned, put into order, and made available for persons wishing to do research. Refreshments were served at the end of the tour.

For those wanting to make use of the Archive, the house are 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., each Tuesday, except on holidays.

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