August 7, 2018

From Staff Reports Puxico Homecoming, street repairs, and a change in the August Puxico Aldermen meeting date were discussed at Puxico Board of Aldermen meeting. Mayor Rick McLean and aldermen Gary Burns, Peter Coutavas, Charles Fann and GS Kilbreth attended...


Staff Reports

Puxico Homecoming, street repairs, and a change in the August Puxico Aldermen meeting date were discussed at Puxico Board of Aldermen meeting.

Mayor Rick McLean and aldermen Gary Burns, Peter Coutavas, Charles Fann and GS Kilbreth attended.

The VFW Homecoming will be Aug. 14-18 and the Fall City-Wide Yard Sale will be Oct. 5-6, the mayor said.

Aug. 23, 5:45 p.m., is the date for the City Tax Rate Open Hearing and the board of aldermen's August monthly meeting was moved to 6 p.m. that day to avoid a conflict with Homecoming activities.

Aldermen agreed to pay half the expenses to repair and repave streets within the school property. The city's share is $8,927, which is half of the $19,854 quote given to the school by Asa Asphalt. The vote was taken after maintenance supervisor David Hawthorne reported John Garner, superintendent of the Puxico Schools, asked the city to help repairing/repaving a section of Hickman Street/Reed Avenue within the school property, from a speed bump on Harbin to the Reed Avenue/Bedford Street intersection.

Asa Asphalt will be doing the post office side street repair work. The city will be using the Industrial Development Authority of Stoddard County (IDASC) grant for most of this work.

Job Corps workers have power washed the gazebo in the cemetery and will paint it in the next few weeks, said Mayor McLean. Alderman Fann said there were several limbs to be picked up in the cemetery and the bushes in front of city hall needed to be trimmed back.

Under unfinished business, Bill 18-02, a bill to establish regulations for the operation of golf carts and motorized wheelchairs upon city streets, alleys, and highways, had been edited to remove references to operation on federal, state, and county highways. After discussion, Burns feels it limited handicapped people and further revision was needed. The city clerk will make the needed revisions and Bill 18-02 will be presented at the August Board meeting.

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Alderman Coutavas said one house needs to be inspect by the city building inspector and determine if it was a "dangerous" building and declared a nuisance in accordance with Section 505.020-030.

Alderman Burns asked a proposed ordinance be written to have stop signs placed at West Crumb Avenue and North High Street and at East Brown Avenue and North Bedford Street, making both intersection four-way stops. This proposed ordinance will be presented at the August Board meeting.

During department reports:

* Aldermen approved Marshal Rick Sheren submitting a grant proposal to Motorola. Sheren said, the police department has a motorcycle belonging to car accident victim. Relatives have claimed the motorcycle. The board suggested Sheren call the city attorney to see how he could dispose of it.

* Repairs to the dog pound have been completed and Larry Doublin can begin his job as animal control officer. Truck repairs will soon be completed, but an animal cage for the truck is needed.

* Fire chief Stacy Starnes requested the appointment of Adam Newell as a firefighter. The mayor and aldermen approved. The rescue truck needs two new front tires and the aldermen agreed to the purchase, locally if possible.

Starnes said the fire department took in $385 during the "Fun Day" it sponsored July 7. Expenses totaled $335, giving the fire department a balance of $50 to use at the next activity. Starnes said the department plans to have a dunking booth fundraiser at Homecoming. The city clerk is to check with the insurance company concerning the liability for this project. Starnes mentioned a couple of fire hydrants are leaking and need to be fixed.

SBlt The library is taking donations for engraved bricks. Bricks ordered from July through Homecoming will be engraved by the end of August and will be placed on the wall as soon as they are received from the engraver.

* The Historical Museum is open on Saturdays.

Alderman Burns led the group in prayer and Mayor McLean led the Pledge of Allegiance.

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