November 20, 2020

The Agee Community Club held its 88th anniversary meeting at Arbys’ on Nov. 9. The club has never failed to hold a monthly meeting. This month’s hostess was Nickey Orton. Club president Cathy Womack opened the meeting with the ladies repeating the clubs motto, “When the heart is full of love, the world is full of beauty.”...

The Agee Community Club held its 88th anniversary meeting at Arbys’ on Nov. 9.

The club has never failed to hold a monthly meeting. This month’s hostess was Nickey Orton.

Club president Cathy Womack opened the meeting with the ladies repeating the clubs motto, “When the heart is full of love, the world is full of beauty.”

Invocation was given by Jeanie Figgins. Devotional was read from Lamentations 3:22-24 by Nadine Johnson and Psalm 23, with mention of the song, “This is my Father’s world,” in reference as to how the last verse fits this scripture.

Secretary and treasurer’s reports were read by Figgins; there was no old business.

New business was: election of officers; needlework month winner was a tie as Johnson and Orton had both brought great things they had made. A vote was taken to change it from needlework to being a craft that was made.

Perfect attendance was won by Orton, Johnson and Figgins.

Review of the club’s yearbooks was done, so the new ones could be printed. Officers will remain the same -- club president, Cathy Womack; club vice president, Nickey Orton, who also is the card chairwoman; Nadine Johnson, historian and Jeanie Figgins, who is the secretary and treasurer.

Roll call was answered with, “What are you thankful for this year?” Womack read a poem from belated honorary club member Orel Smith’s book of poetry titled “Patriots.”

Each member was given a copy of the Black River Times and some articles were read. Hostess for December will be Johnson. Door prize was won by Womack.
