The Agee Community Club ladies held their noon luncheon at Arby’s on March 12.
This month’s hostess was Nadine Johnson.
The club president Cathy Womack called the meeting to order with the ladies repeating the club’s motto, “When the heart is full of love the world is full of beauty.” Invocation was offered by Nickey Orton.
Roll call was answered by stating your favorite recipe to make and information on the recipe. Each lady was given a recipe book from Taste of Homes light and tasty books. Devotional was read by Orton from Colossians 3:1-4, Love in the bond of perfection.
Secretary and Treasurers reports were given by Jeanie Figgins. There was no old or new business.
Hostess for April will be Orton.
Birthday cards for Orton, Figgins and Johnson were signed by members and handed out.
Since the February meeting was a virtual meeting by telephone, Figgins gave out the door prizes to the members with the February Black River Times. Magazines were exchanged and the March Black River Times was given to each lady to find an article and read from.
The ladies wore green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. A poem was read by Orton from the book of poetry written by belated honorary club member Orel Smith titled, “Springtime Blooms.”
The ladies had a fun time playing bingo for the door prize; this time it was to fill the four corners to win. Door prize was won by Figgins.
The ladies dismissed with the club collect, “Be Still and Know that I am God”, Psalms 46:10.