January 13, 2018

Ag Expo 2018 will feature both adult and youth based educational programs. The Expo will be held on Friday, January 19 and Saturday, January 20 at the Black River Coliseum in downtown Poplar Bluff. Admission is $1.00 for adults and free for youth...

SARAH DENKLER and STEPHANIE MILNER ~ University of Missouri Extension

Ag Expo 2018 will feature both adult and youth based educational programs. The Expo will be held on Friday, January 19 and Saturday, January 20 at the Black River Coliseum in downtown Poplar Bluff. Admission is $1.00 for adults and free for youth.

Friday, Jan. 19

The adult programs begin on Friday as follows:

Private Applicator Training will be held from 1 - 3:30 p.m. This will be held in room 3, behind the expo area on the ground floor. Sam Atwell, agronomy specialist with the University of Missouri Extension, will offer this opportunity for those who need to update their private applicator license. Anyone whose license expires in 2018 should attend to renew. If you are seeking your first private applicator license, this training will also qualify you. State applicator manuals will be available for a cost of $12 This program will be in room 3 at the back of the coliseum.

Healthy Recipes at 3 p.m. University of Missouri Nutrition Program Assistant Albertina Henry will be on hand to demonstrate healthy eating options. This will be offered in the front area in room 1.

Deer Management at 4:30 p.m. For those interested in strengthening the local deer population or who want to learn the latest on Missouri deer, Kara McSpadden with the Missouri Conservation will be available to educate and answer questions. Attend this session in the back of the coliseum in room 3.

Personal Safety at 4:30 p.m. Everyone can benefit from knowledge on personal safety. Listen to Sargent Clark Parrott provide tips, hints and some common sense on personal protection. Learn what to be on the lookout for in order to keep yourself safe and those you love. Attend this session in the font area in room 1.

Learn something new that can be used to attract wildlife to your yard. Sandcasting will be offered at 6:00 p.m. on Friday. Local Master Gardener, Kittye Hall, will offer this training. This will be held in room 3 behind the main floor.

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The final program for the evening will cover Pie Making 6 p.m. in room 3. This program will be offered by the Poplar Bluff Family and Community Educators who work with the University of Missouri Extension. This program will answer questions regarding pie making and they have taught many programs on this topic. This group has received some grant funding to send each attendee home with supplies for baking. This program is limited to 50 attendees only. Look for this program in the front area, room 1.

There will be an adult class on Saturday at 10 a.m. on the topic of Dog Training. This program is offered by Linda Kush who will show attendees some basic training techniques for dogs, improving their obedience and personality. This class will be offered in the front area in room 1.

These programs are free to all ag expo attendees. Come ready to learn and ask questions of those giving presentations.

Saturday, Jan. 20

The youth educational programs will begin on Saturday with morning and afternoon opportunities.

Garden Adventures for Kids is offered from 9:00 a.m. to noon by the Poplar Bluff Master Gardeners. Activities will include propagation, chia pets, bird feeders and small terrariums. These activities are located on the main floor of the coliseum in the northwest corner so there will be no stairs to climb.

Youth in Agriculture Activities are available from noon to 2 p.m. These activities are sponsored by 4-H located in the northeast corner of the main floor. This year, youth participate in hands on agriculture activities, such as making corn necklaces, investigating cattle, and looking into farm machines. Youth will learn where their food comes from and how to grow food at home. Parents are welcome to come with their kids and the event is free of charge. For more information, visit the Butler County 4-H booth!

Check out the University of Missouri Extension website at http://extension.missouri.edu/butler or call 573-686-8064 with questions. The office is located at 614 Lindsay Ave., Suite 3 in Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

The University of Missouri is an equal opportunity / ADA institution.

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