May 27, 2022

Area residents will hit the road for Memorial Day weekend with gas prices surging at $1.44 more per gallon, with the average price in Missouri around $4.17, according to the AAA Missouri Weekend Gas Watch. Those the Daily American Republic talked to said it’s something that will impact their holiday plans...

Area residents will hit the road for Memorial Day weekend with gas prices surging at $1.44 more per gallon, with the average price in Missouri around $4.17, according to the AAA Missouri Weekend Gas Watch.

Those the Daily American Republic talked to said it’s something that will impact their holiday plans.

Nicole Sielert of Dexter said, “Yes, the gas prices have changed a lot of our plans for the whole summer already. We will be staying closer to home. Not only am I worried about it now, but also for what might happen later on in the summer.”

Jerime Edwards of Poplar Bluff said, “I haven’t made any holiday plans to go anywhere but maybe fishing mostly because of food and gas prices, plus COVID kind of keeps people scared to gather.”

The answer was the same across the region.

“Gas prices suck and are hurting the economy. It is a shame the lower class isn’t able to do simple things like getting groceries, let alone being able to enjoy the holidays,” said Kyle Digges of Harviell.

Regardless of soaring travel costs, AAA expects that 790,897 Missourians will be traveling between May 26 and May 30.

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“Pain at the pump continues as crude oil remains elevated above $110 per barrel with no signs of dropping in time to impact pump prices over the holiday weekend,” said AAA Spokesperson Nick Chabarria in a press release. “Even with higher prices, drivers should expect roads to be busy this weekend and make sure they leave plenty of time to get where they are going safely.”

Poplar Bluff resident and local musician Freedom Shearon said, “My plans are to play music and listen to others play music. Gas prices haven’t affected my plans as much as the weather.”

Twin Rivers elementary teacher Amanda Stratton of Qulin said, “We probably will not be doing much because of the gas prices, which I’m sure will skyrocket because of the holiday.”

According to, drivers in Missouri are currently paying the fifth-lowest gas price average in the country, while drivers in California are paying the most at an average cost of $6.07 a gallon.

Insurance agent Brookie Morton of Bloomfield said, “We are doing what we usually do and that’s a barbecue with the family. Gas prices aren’t affecting these plans, but we have slowed down our usual weekend activities.”

If you want to make the most of your gas mileage, AAA has some suggestions to save posted on their website. They include slow down and drive the speed limit. On the highway, fuel economy drops off significantly due to aerodynamic drag when speeds go above 50 mph.

“Jackrabbit” starts and hard acceleration should be avoided as they greatly increase fuel consumption.

Cruise control should be utilized to help maintain a constant speed, which will save fuel and it is also best to minimize the use of air conditioning. The engine power required to operate the air compressor will affect fuel economy far more than open windows, even at highway speeds, and always plan so that you can consolidate multiple errands into one economical trip.

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