April 1, 2018

The Friday, April 6 opening of the popular "Art for Animals" benefit will feature a couple of fresh angles this year: Live music and a new on-line bidding process. The Unleashing (opening) reception for the two-week art show and silent auction is from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 6, on the lower level of the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library. The event benefits the Animal Welfare Alliance (AWA) and admission is free. Guests will be able to enter through the Library door that faces the parking lot...

The Friday, April 6 opening of the popular "Art for Animals" benefit will feature a couple of fresh angles this year: Live music and a new on-line bidding process.

The Unleashing (opening) reception for the two-week art show and silent auction is from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 6, on the lower level of the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library. The event benefits the Animal Welfare Alliance (AWA) and admission is free. Guests will be able to enter through the Library door that faces the parking lot.

Background piano music at The Unleashing will be provided by Donny Falk, band director for Doniphan schools.

Guests can bid on artwork at The Unleashing reception, or they can enter bids on-line during the two-week exhibit. On-line bidding will be conducted this year on www.biddingforgood.com/awasemo. Bidding directions will be given to guests at the opening reception. They also will be available on www.artfullyframed.com, www.awasemo.org, Artfully Framed's Facebook page and AWA's Facebook page. "Art for Animals" features more than 100 original works by area artists both professional and amateur. A few of the paintings will be by four-legged artists! Roxie and Riley, two canine painters trained by their owner Linda Kush, won't be able to attend the opening party this year. But their newest paintings will be on display.

Artfully Framed proprietor Barbara Pelton continues as the primary event sponsor and organizer. She and her employees frame and hang each piece of art. The collection will remain on display at the Library for two weeks.

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Final bids will be accepted at the Tail End (closing) reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 20, at the Library. Party guests will enjoy a bidding advantage, as on-line bidding will be halted at 3 p.m. that afternoon.

"The paintings available at 'Art for Animals' make great gifts," said AWA President Travis Thomas. "Some people collect several paintings and display all of them on one wall at home. Best of all, the whole event is great fun, with no admission charge!"

Various prizes will be awarded at the Tail End reception April 20, including the $100 Tackett Award to the artist whose entry brings the highest bid.

All donations and proceeds from the silent auction support AWA's programs.

AWA provides $50 vouchers for qualifying pet owners to help with spay/neuter costs and has spent more than $57,000 on that project since 2009. With the cooperation of Poplar Bluff's Animal Control officers, AWA also helps provide vaccinations for puppies and kittens in the city's shelter. The organization sets aside half of all income toward construction of a no-kill shelter to serve this area.

AWA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; donations are tax deductible within IRS guidelines. For more details on "Art For Animals," visit www.artfullyramed.com or www.awasemo.org or call (573) 785-6178.

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