The American Legion Department of Missouri Boys Scouts Committee has announced the 2019 Eagle Scout of the Year program is underway.
National winner will receive a $10,000 college scholarship and three other Eagle Scouts each will receive $2,500 in scholarships. The Missouri Eagle Scout winner will receive a $420 scholarship.
Prospective nominees must be registered, active members of a Scouts BSA Troop, Varsity Scout Team, or Venturing Crew chartered to an American Legion post, American Legion Auxiliary unit or a Sons of The American Legion squadron or be a registered, active member of a Scouts BSA Troop, Varsity Scout Team, or Venturing Crew and be the son or daughter of an active Legionnaire, Sons of The American Legion or Auxiliary member; must have received the Eagle Scout award; received a BSA religious emblem, regardless of which youth grade level earned; have demonstrated practical citizenship in church, school, Scouting and community; and have reached their 15th birthday; and be enrolled in high school at the time of selection and be a resident of the department (state) to which they apply.
Eagle Scouts still in high school and reach their 18th birthday during the nomination year remain eligible if otherwise qualified.
Applications for the Eagle Scout of the Year can be obtained in Missouri from your local Boys Scout Council or your local American Legion post. The form must be submitted to the American Legion Department of Missouri, P.O. Box 179, Jefferson City MO 65109 no later than March 1, 2020.