September 19, 2017

"Let not your hearts be troubled." Why did Jesus say that to the 12? Because he had been telling them He was soon to be crucified and rise again the third day. Don't be troubled. I will be back the third day. You believe in God, then believe also in me, believe all that I tell you...

"Let not your hearts be troubled." Why did Jesus say that to the 12? Because he had been telling them He was soon to be crucified and rise again the third day. Don't be troubled. I will be back the third day.

You believe in God, then believe also in me, believe all that I tell you.

For in my Father's house are many mansions or rooms (Int. Ver.). In heaven with God there is glorious living conditions. Were it not so, I would tell you. I go to prepare a place for you and someday I will come back to take you with Me, to be with Me forever.

V. 4. "Where I go you know, and the way you know." Thomas responded, "Lord, we do not even know where you are going. How could we know the way?" For six months He had been telling them He would be killed and go back to the Father.

They could not grasp He had existed with God from all eternity before He descended to be born of a human mother.

V. 6. I am the way, the truth and the life: No man cometh to the Father, but by Me.

Note, He did not say, "I'll show you the way. I'll give you some new commandments to be kept" but, "I am the way" As you believe in Me, live in Me, and I in you. You find the way into fullness of life and eternal life. He did not say, "I am telling you the truth but "I am the truth." Truth embodied in and demonstrated in a human life.

His presence here in the flesh affirms the fact that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23. If all men had not sinned, He would not have needed to come and shed His blood to atone for our sins.

His death would prove the "God so loved" John 3:16. His resurrection would substantiate his claims of being the Son of God. Deity incarnate (in the flesh).

He is the life, not mere human existence sustained by the flow of blood through our arteries to sustain the cells and help them renew themselves to sustain our body.

Rather, eternal life. "I have power to lay down my life, and I have power to take it up again." John 10:18.

"If you want to be reconciled unto God, the Father, be reinstated into His favor and fellowship, then believe in Me.

"If you had known Me, you should have known the Father also."

Philip had a problem with this and said, "Lord, show us the Father. Let us see Him as we see You, and we will be satisfied."

It is difficult for us mortals to relate to an invisible spirit being. When he manifested Himself in the flesh of Jesus, He was too much like a man. Our spirit communes with Him.
