Officers called for backup on an arson case in 1925, and a squad of bloodhounds answered. The dogs were brought in from Cape Girardeau after a devastating midnight barn fire. Law enforcement was also featured in 1975 as Butler County sought a grant to renovate its jail.
100 years ago
Jan. 8, 1925
• Police and bloodhounds are hunting for arsonists after a devastating barn fire.
Brothers S.B. and E.L. Tolliver spotted the blaze at 12:30 a.m. today on their Neelyville farm. They managed to save their mules before the blaze forced them outside. A cow and calf were lost, as was the family’s stored grain valued at $1,500 — about $27,000 in modern currency.
“I have no idea who did the job, but of course I can’t say as yet until the investigation is completed,” said S.B. Tolliver.
Officers called in bloodhounds from Cape Girardeau to sniff out the arsonists.
The rumor mill began grinding as the ash cooled, and some theorized the burning was the latest moonshiner feud in southern Butler County. Authorities dismissed this since the Tollivers had no connections to any moonshine rings.
75 years ago
Jan. 8, 1950 — No issues available.
50 years ago
Jan. 8, 1975
• The director of the Missouri Department of Corrections toured Poplar Bluff’s jail yesterday. His opinion will determine whether the city gets a grant for improvements.
Director Dr. George Camp inspected the facility and discussed conditions with the Sheriff’s Department. If all goes well, the Law Enforcement Assistance Council will approve a $5,000 grant with 10% matching funds from the county. This request was submitted once and rejected.
Camp stopped in Poplar Bluff after opening the Cape Girardeau Corrections Service Center earlier in the day.