April 29, 2017

The threat of inclement weather did not stop hundreds of area residents from turning out Saturday for the 38th annual Merchants Showcase at Three Rivers College. A steady stream of visitors meandered through the booths inside the Bess Activity Center, where they talked to the various vendors, as well as signed up for giveaways, sampled treats or received medical screenings...

The threat of inclement weather did not stop hundreds of area residents from turning out Saturday for the 38th annual Merchants Showcase at Three Rivers College.

A steady stream of visitors meandered through the booths inside the Bess Activity Center, where they talked to the various vendors, as well as signed up for giveaways, sampled treats or received medical screenings.

The morning "started off really slow, but it picked up the last hour," said Lynae Maddux, representing Missouri Vein Care and Dr. Michael Ryan. " ... We've done probably over 20 screenings, which is up from last year.

"More people are interested in their health. We're seeing that trend."

Treatment for vein circulation issues and varicose veins, Maddux said, is no longer considered cosmetic surgery. Now, health insurance, she said, covers most issues.

The response, she said, was "very, very good" from those attending the showcase.

Among the first-time vendors was Stephanie Letassy, owner/chef of My Chef "Your Chef at Home."

As visitors stopped by Letassy's booth, she could be heard telling them how she is a "personal chef. I come to your house. I do your grocery shopping. I can cook for a week" or "cook for a small event in your house."

The Poplar Bluff, Mo., woman said, she liked the showcase, but "I thought there would be more people here. It's small this year.

"I was hoping for a little more people."

Letassy said she liked the showcase's set up, which allowed her to set up Friday night.

"I had help; as soon as I got out of the car, there was a lady asking: 'Can I help you?" Letassy said. " ... What a great service."

This year's showcase, according to Tina Lutes of Naylor, Mo., seemed to have "a little more" to offer than last year's.

"The food thing was good," Lutes said. "There was chips, cookies, soda, fruit, all kinds of stuff."

Lutes said she and her family wanted to attend to see what was being offered.

"I wish more businesses would participate," Lutes said.

Among the returning businesses was White & Associates Consumer Directed Services in Poplar Bluff.

Those stopping at the White & Associates booth learned from Joanna Pundsack that the company is like in-home services, but the difference is family members and/or friends "come in and get paid for the work they do for you," work they are probably already doing.

"They can care for a family member or parent and get paid for it," Pundsack said. "It's a good program," one many are not aware of.

"We've had quite a few people come by," Pundsack said. "We're running out of stuff. It's been a good turnout."

From their position near the entrance, Pundsack said, the majority of people who have "come by the door have come by here."

Another returning vendor was the Ozark Regional Planning Commission, which this year was offering visitors a chance to fill out a transportation survey.

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Andrew Murphy said the survey offered residents a chance to tell ORPC officials what they feel are the most important transportation issues in their area, such as a hazardous intersection or an area where shoulders are needed.

"We're giving away some 'arrive alive' (items) to help people to remember to buckle up and reach their destination safely," said Murphy, who was attending for his sixth year.

The showcase, according to Murphy, is a "good place to reach a lot of people at one time and spread a good message in a short time frame."

Terry Lay of Poplar Bluff described this year's showcase as wonderful.

"It doesn't seem as crowded as in the past," said Lay, who recalled previously attending when it was a two-day event. " ... We love it."

Lay said it also seemed there were more goods to see.

"I think it's great; we come all the time," Lay said. "We want to see" what's offered.

Having only made it partially through the activity center, Lay said, she and her family "loved the food sampling thing. That's new. ... We'll hit everything" before leaving.

Both Jessica Polk and Eddie Conover of Poplar Bluff also described the showcase as being really good.

"There are a lot of companies that I didn't realize were here offering products," Polk said.

The children with Polk, who were wearing Butler County EMS stickers and had balloons floating above their heads, had a "fabulous time. I won a prize," two days at Hydro Adventures, she said.

Having only recently moved back to Poplar Bluff, Polk said, this was the first time she had attended in years.

"Overall, it was fabulous," Polk said. "I enjoyed it; everyone else enjoyed it as well."

Conover said the number of merchants offered "a pretty good display of goods and everything" this year.

Like others, Conover said, he attends to see what's out there, and this year he intended to check out the certificate of deposit rates being offered by the Ozark Federal Credit Union.

"We've been out before, but not for a couple of years," said Rick Williard of Poplar Bluff as he neared the entrance to the food-sampling area.

Having just arrived, Williard said, he already had "talked to a lot of people. We've not made it around yet."

Williard said he liked that the booth area was more open than in years past when it was so "crowded you couldn't see everything."

This year, he said, you can "look around and see more stuff."

"We're liking it so far; he really likes the cop car," Bridget Roberson said of her 8-month-old son, Natsu, who had his photograph taken beside a Poplar Bluff Police Department SUV.

Natsu, she said, did "really good. He sat still for me" while the photos were being taken.

Roberson said this was her first time to attend "something like this. ... I think it's cool.

"I'm liking all the raffles they're doing and the handouts."

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