August 28, 2019

City firefighters responded at 7:54 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, to a report of an unauthorized burn across from 630 N. Ninth St. According to the report, firefighters found a fire burning unattended in a vacant lot and used 10 gallons of water to put it out...

City firefighters responded at 7:54 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, to a report of an unauthorized burn across from 630 N. Ninth St.

According to the report, firefighters found a fire burning unattended in a vacant lot and used 10 gallons of water to put it out.


City firefighters responded at 7:10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, after an off-duty firefighter reported seeing a vehicle off of Shelby Road between Highway 53 and Roxie Road.

According to the report, firefighters found a minivan off the road; it had run through a barbed wire fence. No injuries were reported.

Firefighters requested police officers and a tow company respond.

Firefighters remained on the scene until the van was removed from the scene.

