May 24, 2024

The front pages on this day are dedicated to storm recovery. In 1924, Poplar Bluff works to restore power and communications after powerful thunderstorms. Twenty-five years later, Cape Girardeau calls for state aid to clear the wreckage after the deadliest tornado in that city’s history...

The front pages on this day are dedicated to storm recovery. In 1924, Poplar Bluff works to restore power and communications after powerful thunderstorms. Twenty-five years later, Cape Girardeau calls for state aid to clear the wreckage after the deadliest tornado in that city’s history.

__100 years ago__

May 24, 1924

• Terrible storms grazed Poplar Bluff and hammered the Caruthersville area.

Caruthersville was struck around 9:30 p.m. last night by severe winds. These wrecked trees and small buildings in a 2-mile-wide swathe before proceeding west to Hayti, which saw similar damage. One death was reported in Essex.

Poplar Bluff experienced hard rain and strong winds, but the greatest damage was to electric, telegram and telephone lines rather than buildings. Crews were still working to restore communications at press time.

Leo T. Daniels of Ellington drove through part of the storm near Elsinore. He told The Interstate American, “It was one of the worst storms he ever encountered.” He and passenger A.J. Moss had to stop three times to move fallen trees off the road.

__75 years ago__

May 24, 1949

• Cold, steady rain halted salvage and rebuilding efforts in Cape Girardeau today in the wake of the devastating May 21 tornado. However, the weather did not halt the first of many funeral services. The 21 casualties will be buried over the coming days.

City officials have requested their congressman obtain a $25,000-$30,000 appropriation to pay for the streets, alleys and hardest-hit areas of town to be cleared. They’re also appealing for 30 more workers and extra bulldozers.

Hundreds of buildings were damaged or destroyed by the tornado, Cape Girardeau’s mayor previously told the Daily American Republic, and around 200 people were injured. Many were displaced. Cape’s population at this time was around 20,000.

__50 years ago__

May 24, 1974

• Poplar Bluff High School graduated 343 seniors in last night’s ceremony.

U.S. District Judge H. Kenneth Wangelin was the keynote speaker. His message to graduates was to be productive and not a “parasite.”

• Employees at Poplar Bluff’s Coca-Cola distributing plant received an unexpected delivery this morning: a runaway dump truck.

The truck was being towed uphill on West Pine Street when its chain broke. It rolled downhill, striking another vehicle before slamming through the plate glass window at the Coca-Cola plant office at 9:05 a.m. No injuries were reported.
