May 16, 2024

Poplar Bluff High School has announced the top two graduates of 2024, valedictorian Addison Shell and salutatorian Cameron Settle.

Poplar Bluff High School has announced the top two graduates of 2024, valedictorian Addison Shell and salutatorian Cameron Settle.

Shell has maintained a busy schedule at PBHS as Student Council president, Beta Club secretary, Cross Country manager, co-captain of the girls’ swim team, National Honor Society, college ambassador, freshman ambassador, Poplar Bluff Municipal Library teen advisory board member, and Red Cross Blood Drive volunteer.

Shell credits the support of her family, friends, teachers and coaches as being an invaluable part of her success, and said that her motivation was mostly internal.

“I realize that education is important and can open up opportunities for me down the road,” she stated.

During her speech she advised her fellow classmates and everyone listening that mistakes are an important part of life.

“Sometimes, especially as teenagers who are still trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be, we make mistakes,” she said. “These mistakes might be calculating the wrong length of a triangle in geometry, guessing the wrong president on your history test, or saying something wrong in the heat of the moment. It hurts to make mistakes, and it hurts to fail. But failing and making mistakes is a part of life. No matter the path we choose to take, we will all make mistakes and we will all fail at some point.”

Shell encouraged everyone listening to accept failure is normal; and it is the decision you make to continue that determines future success.

Salutatorian Cameron Settle spoke clearly to his fellow classmates and made it known this is the end of a long journey.

“We have spent approximately 15,000 hours in school to prepare for this,” Settle noted to all of the seniors. “And yes, I did have to do the math to figure that.”

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Settle spoke about the plight of the Israelites as they wandered the wilderness for 40 years, seeking to gain entrance to the promised land.

“In some ways, we are like that because our journey felt like a wilderness, and now we have come to this point,” Settle noted. “Tonight I would like to give a message of hope.”

Settle went on to draw parallels between the Israelites and his senior class. He spoke about the importance of guidance and instruction, and noted it was in the wilderness that God gave his people instruction and the 10 Commandments.

“I believe God gave each of us gifts and passions for a reason,” he said. “And those 15,000 hours have been preparing all of us for where we are headed next.”

While Settle chose to focus on the journey in his speech, Shell focused on the support and guidance of others in her speech.

“At least one person out there has helped you get to where you are today. They may be here tonight or they may not be,” Shell remarked. “The important thing is that they have been with you through your mistakes, your highs and your lows. To quote Taylor Swift, ‘We are each a patchwork quilt of those who have loved us, those who have believed in our futures, and those who showed us empathy and kindness.’ I want to remind us that someone, somewhere, tucked us into bed at night, read us books, and taught us about the world. And we’re here today because of them and the community we’ve built.”

Shell went on to thank her teachers, advisors and coaches while also acknowledging all of the support she received from her fellow classmates and close friends. Then she thanked her family for being who they are.

Settle noted their graduation was the end of a long journey, but there is much more that is ahead. Or, as Shell succinctly stated in the closing of her speech, “As we are sent off into a world full of endless possibilities and choices, let’s not forget who we are, who we want to be, and who has been there for us as we face test after test, challenge after challenge.”

Shell is the daughter of Justin and Amy Shell. She has two sisters, Kennedy and Ella Shell. She plans to attend St. Louis University and is currently undecided about her career path, but she hopes to find a career she will be passionate about.

Settle was unable to provide additional information by press time.

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