A new sport is coming to Neelyville’s Junior High and High School for the 2024-2025 school year. The board voted unanimously to add cross country to the list of extracurriculars available to students. Athletic Director Becky Hale presented the possibility to the board.
She explained the sport has a low cost to start up and at least 20 students were interested. Hale stated Neelyville will not be able to host meets due to lacking any hills. Board member Jill McGruder offered her farm so the school’s team could practice on varied terrain.
“We should have had cross country a long time ago,” member John French asserted although not without reservations.
He raised concerns over the logistics of busing students to practices and meets as well as finding the right coach.
The board also announced the District Teacher of the Year as Lisa French. She was selected from the three other R-IV teachers of the year: Crystal Gillespie of Hillview Elementary, Amy Hays of Neelyville Elementary, and Billie Foust of Neelyville Junior High.
French will have the opportunity to apply for the Regional Teacher of the Year award.
“These ladies who earned teacher of the year 100,000% deserve it,” remarked high school Principal Justin Dobbins.
For the school’s interest in having an armed school resource officer, the board tabled the measure again to gather more information.
Next, members discussed bids for a new school bus. The only bid received was for a used bus from Central States Bus Sales. Member Paul Petty commented prices for new buses have tripled over the years. The used bus at 15,000 miles commanded a price tag of $119,717.
Members expressed dismay that the lead time for a new bus is currently 120 days. The board voted to cast a wider net in their search by opening the possibility for low-mileage used and diesel buses.
The board also approved renewing the district’s food contract with Opaa Food. While there were slight increases in pricing, the board unanimously agreed Opaa was still the best option.
Superintendent Heather Black gave an update on the state-mandated lead testing for the district’s water. Two of the concession stand sinks yielded higher than recommended levels of lead. Black said parents had already been notified, the issue had been corrected, and water from the sinks had been sent off for a new test.
Members concluded the meeting by again thanking the teachers of the year for their dedication and performance.