March 6, 2024

This MAIN EVENT highlights opportunities to shop, swap, grow and eat.

This MAIN EVENT highlights opportunities to shop, swap, grow and eat.

Archer Gift Co. invites all green thumbs to a Plant Swap from 5-8 p.m. on Friday. Everyone who brings a plant gets to swap with someone else, and with every $100 purchase at Archer shoppers will $20 off and a free monstera plant start.

The REVIVE: GROW Women’s Conference lasts from 1-8 p.m. on Saturday at First Baptist Church of Poplar Bluff. The speaker is Glenna Marshall,a pastor’s wife, mother, writer, speaker, and musician. The $30 ticket includes dinner. Tickets are available through

Sunday is Pi Day at Sacred Heart. Swing by the Sacred Heart School Gym 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and buy a slice $3.14 or a whole pie $10. The fundraiser supports St. Vincent De Paul. to donate a pie for the event, drop it off between 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday at the Sacred Heart Gym. For more information contact Judy Russell at 573-247-0825.

Other upcoming events include:

— Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 11 a.m.-noon March 7. WHERE Poplar Bluff Municipal Library Ridgel Branch COST Free, but registration recommended. WHAT Alzheimer’s is not normal aging. It’s a disease of the brain that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. This program provides the current research about Alzheimer’s as well as treatments and resources. Registration recommended by calling (573) 206-3594. This program is brought to you by the Alzheimer’s Association, Aging Matters, Butler County Health Department and Poplar Bluff Library.

— An Evening Of Classical Music, 7 p.m. March 7 WHERE Tinnin Fine Arts Center COST $15 WHAT A small group of area musicians — Dr. Dan Kubis, Cindy White, Daniel Atwood, and Malachai Williams — will perform their favorite classical selections.

— Plant Swap 5-8 p.m. March 8 WHERE Archer Gift Co., 1939 N. Westwood Blvd. WHAT Swap, shop, and save money. BYOP (bring your own plant) for a fun swap with one another. Every $100 purchase at Archer will get $20 off and a free Monstera start.

— Pop Up Shop, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. March 9. WHERE Archer Gift Co., 1939 N. Westwood Blvd. WHAT A pop up shop with Nancy’s Fancys featuring Easter pretties, doll clothes, children’s clothes, and custom orders.

— REVIVE: GROW Women’s Conference, 1-8 p.m. March 9. WHERE First Baptist Church of Poplar Bluff COST $30, includes dinner. WHAT Glenna Marshall is a pastor’s wife and mom of two boys. She is also a writer, speaker, and musician who loves to point women to the Bible to see God’s goodness in all of life. She is the author of “The Promise Is His Presence,” “Everyday Faithfulness,” and “Memorizing Scripture.” Tickets available under the Events tab at

— 7th Annual Trivia Night Fundraiser, 5 p.m. March 9. WHERE Lair Event Center in Dexter. COST $125 for a table of eight individuals, or $20 per person. Concessions available. WHAT The proceeds from this fundraiser go to support The Stars and Stripes National Museum and Library’s educational programs and exhibits. The event will feature 10 rounds of questions with 10 questions per round. Doors open at 5 p.m., the game begins at 6 p.m. Participants will have the opportunity to purchase mulligans (free spaces) and balloons for the bonus round. Prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third-place winners. Concessions provided by Family Matters Dayhab, and the proceeds from their sales go to help their organization. For more information or to reserve a table, stop by the Museum or call 573-568-2055.

— Pi Day, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 10. WHERE Sacred Heart School Gym. COST $3.14 for a slice of pie and $10 for a whole pie. WHAT The annual Pi Day fundraiser is back — support St. Vincent De Paul by buying a slice or a whole pie. Sacred Heart is seeking donated pies for the event, which should be delivered to the school between 10 a.m.-3 p.m. March 9. For more information, contact Judy Russell at 573-247-0825.

— Pop art paint and pour, 1-4 p.m. March 10 WHERE King David’s COST $40 WHAT All supplies provided for workshop, includes glass of King David Sangria.

— Storytime at Main 10:30-11:30 a.m. March 12. WHERE Poplar Bluff Library Main Branch COST Free WHAT A children’s event. Why is bear snoring? Come to Storytime and find out why the bear snores and when will he wake up!

— Textured Hair Tutorial Night, 6 p.m. March 15. WHERE FosterAdopt Connect, 2198 N. Westwood Blvd. WHAT Foster parents who are not used to styling textured hair can find it challenging or intimidating. Join FosterAdopt Connect for a night of learning on how to take care of your children’s textured hair. Sign up through the link on the FosterAdopt Connect Facebook event page.

— Community Easter Egg Hunt, 11 a.m. March 16. WHERE Hendrickson Park. COST Free. WHAT The second annual Community Easter Egg Hunt. There will be three age divisions 2 and under, 3-6 years old and 7-10 years old. Hot dogs, chips, and drinks provided. Come out and hunt for over 3,000 candy filled eggs, and 6 golden eggs with special prices. Presented by DLE Properties Group Keller Williams Realty Three Rivers, Butler Co Title Company and USA Mortgage.

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— Children’s Book Reading: Twinkle the Star Mouse, 1-3 p.m. March 16. WHERE Poplar Bluff Library Main Branch. COST Free. WHAT Explore the cosmos with Twinkle the Star Mouse! A children’s book reading and signing followed by an art activity, reception and an illustration display. Refreshments will be provided. This book was written by local author E. E. Arrendale and illustrated by Samantha Blessing Klotz and Rose Anne Stanard.

— Science Sunday, 1:30-2:30 p.m. March 17. WHERE Poplar Bluff Library Main Branch COST Free. WHAT Kids will learn the difference between asteroids, comets and meteors, and paint space rocks using glow in the dark paint.

— Greg Edmondson exhibit opening, March 18 WHERE Tinnin Fine Arts Center COST Free WHAT abstract paintings by Edmondson will be on display through April 12.

— Storytime at Main 10:30-11:30 a.m. March 19. WHERE Poplar Bluff Library Main Branch COST Free WHAT Kids will do a science experiment about rain and see what can they make at home on a rainy day.

— Tips for parents regarding teen cyber security, 5:30 p.m. March 19 WHERE Poplar Bluff Junior High WHAT Poplar Bluff Police Department will present information to parents of sixth through 12th grade students regarding social media and cyber security. RSVP is required at

— Book Buzz Club, 6 p.m. March 21. WHERE The Wine Rack WHAT A social, read-what-you-want book club by the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library. March’s theme is “Judge a Book By Its Cover.”

— MO Highlands Bunny Hop, 5 p.m. March 22 WHERE Hendrickson Park WHAT Missouri Highlands hosts a hop into spring event with a foam-filled fun event. It includes egg hunts every 30 minutes for children aged 1-4, and scavenger hunts for children aged 5-10. Food trucks and the Easter Bunny will be there.

— Pancake Breakfast, 6 a.m.-noon March 23. WHERE Poplar Bluff Junior High School. COST $6 WHAT Unlimited pancakes, sausage, juice and milk. Proceeds go to maintain/improve Kiwanis Bacon Park.

— Total Cleanup of the Bluff, March 23. WHERE Convenes at the Black River Coliseum. WHAT Beautify Poplar Bluff before the eclipse, and be entered in prize drawings. Breakfast and coffee are provided at the Black River Coliseum from 7-8 a.m. before cleanup supplies are handed out and cleanup areas assigned. Lunch will be provided at noon. All participants will automatically be entered into prize drawings and a 48/48 drawing. For any inquiries, please contact Morgan or Maci at the Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce at 573-785-7761.

— Free Medical Clinic, 8 a.m. March 23. WHERE Westwood Baptist Church. COST Free. WHAT Footsteps Medical Missions, Inc. in cooperation with Westwood Baptist will be providing a free medical clinic. Services provided are medical services, diabetic foot care, wound care, hearing exam, hair care and hearing aids/if available, reading glasses. Walk-ins welcome,pre-registration is encouraged at

— Adventures of an Eclipse Chaser, 2-3:30 p.m. March 23 WHERE Poplar Bluff Municipal Library Main Branch COST Free WHAT Meteorologist Joe Rao discusses his adventures chasing eclipses around the world over the past 50 years. Hear about the interesting, funny, and poignant occurrences that he has experienced in his efforts to briefly bask in the shadow of the moon. This will be a Zoom presentation with a Q&A to follow. Recommended for middle school and up. Attend virtually at

— Chicks Only Eggstravaganza, 4-6 p.m. March 23. WHERE Westwood Hills Country Club COST $30 per person WHAT The second annual women’s event by Three Rivers College an Breakthrough Wellness. Includes refreshments, cocktails, prize drawings and more. For more information, contact Christy Frazier-Moore at 573-987-9680 or, or Michelle Reynolds at 573-840-9077 or To register, visit

— Mouse Races, 6 p.m. March 23. WHERE The Grotto, 3102 Kennedy Lane/Aad Grotto Road. COST Tickets are $20 at the door, or reserve an eight-person table for $125. WHAT A night of fun and betting at the mouse races. Contact Shawn Hanley for reservations or sponsorship opportunities at (573) 718-1532.

— Storytime at Main 10:30-11:30 a.m. March 26. WHERE Poplar Bluff Library Main Branch COST Free WHAT When does spring come? Kids will find out at storytime.

— Dining in Space, 5:30 p.m. March 26. WHERE Poplar Bluff Municipal Library Main Branch COST Free WHAT A program for ages 8 and up about how astronauts cook and eat in zero gravity.

— Middle School Octo-Studio, 1-3 p.m. March 29. WHERE Poplar Bluff Municipal Library Main Branch COST Free WHAT Kids in middle school and up will learn how to code and create a video game. Participants must bring an iPhone, Android 8 or above or a tablet iOS 15 or above. Some iPads will be available.

— Hands-on sourdough class, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. March 30 WHERE Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce COST $60-$90 per person WHAT Learn about how to make and care for sourdough bread.

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