The Twin Rivers R-X school district hosted a Veterans Day ceremony Friday morning at Qulin Middle School.
Students escorted veterans to special seats followed by soloist renditions of “God Bless America” by Jenna Caldwell and Ella Geisinger.
While middle school students dominated the program, the pre-kindergarten through second-grade classes displayed a video presentation thanking veterans for their service.
Eighth-grade student Ivy Benson provided the introduction for the keynote speaker of the event, Robert Brown, the superintendent of the school district.
“Before he (Brown) started his career in education, he served in the U.S. Army,” Benson told audience members. “He was stationed in Veesbaadn, Germany and Washington, D.C. where he spent six years in the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade.”
Brown achieved several awards and recognitions such as the: Army Achievement Award Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Southwest Asia Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon and the Superior Unit Award.
Brown began his speech by thanking the veterans present for their service.
“Before we get started, I would like to tell the veterans here in attendance: thank you for your service and your sacrifice,” he said.
Brown described his career in the military as a tremendous opportunity for himself.
“It provided me with a set of life skills,” he explained. “I was poor, working a dead-end job.”
Brown said his military background allowed him to work with people from all walks of life, and to travel extensively around the globe.
“I was able to step foot in 17 different countries throughout Europe and Africa,” he said. “I’m very grateful for that opportunity.”
Brown encouraged students to not forget about their nation and the freedoms that being an American entails.
“There’s so many millions of people throughout the world that will never experience that,” Brown explained.
Caldwell and the fourth and sixth-grade classes concluded the ceremony with the song “God Bless the USA.” Qulin Middle School Principal Seth McBroom gave the closing remarks.
Afterward, students extended greetings to veterans as they left the middle school gymnasium. Students shook hands, fist-bumped and even hugged veterans as the ceremony ended.
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