July 17, 2023

The Twin Rivers School Board voted on the budget for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, policy updates, changes to handbooks and various purchases at the most recent board meeting. A copy of the 2023-2024 budget was not available as of press time...

The Twin Rivers School Board voted on the budget for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, policy updates, changes to handbooks and various purchases at the most recent board meeting.

A copy of the 2023-2024 budget was not available as of press time.

One item on the agenda was an increase in lunch prices as a discussion item. The board approved the proposed budget for the 2023-2024 academic year, mandatory policy updates, as well as the adoption of a policy concerning expenditures for certified staff.

To comply with the requirements set by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the board authorized an increase in lunch prices by 10 cents. The new student lunch price will be $2.10.

During the meeting, Principal Mike Berry presented revisions to the high school handbook, specifically regarding academic lettering, discipline and dress code policies.

“We added an academic letter to our handbook so students can letter academically,” explained Berry.

The handbook states, to be eligible for the academic lettering, students “must be enrolled in courses that offer at least six units of credit per school year, be enrolled in at least three of the following curriculum areas each semester: communications, mathematics, science or social studies and lastly students must maintain a 10.25-grade point average for the school year.” According to the student handbook, students will be awarded a Chenille Academic Letter for meeting these requirements in the first year.

Barry went on to explain that only small adjustments were made to the discipline procedures.

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“There was some confusion in the wording and the discipline. It wasn’t anything major,” he said.

The board reviewed and approved these changes. The elementary handbooks were accepted as presented, with minor edits to the wording.

The board authorized the purchase of the NWEA student assessment program, a new fire alarm system for Qulin Middle School, as well as a new ice maker for the Qulin Elementary cafeteria.

Bids were considered for the upcoming school year and several vendors were approved. Baker Pest Control was selected for pest control services, MFA was chosen as the propane supplier and C&S Septic Services was awarded the contract for septic-related services.

In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignations of Torey Eider from the Student Council advisor position and Ruth Razer from the classroom aide position at Fisk.

The board approved an updated substitute list, expanding the pool of available substitutes to include Jeremy Jones and JoNell Siefert.

The date for the next Twin Rivers board meeting has been scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24.

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