Poplar Bluff Firefighters responded to a fire alarm sounding at Poplar Bluff Regional Center, 2503 Sunset Terrance, at 4:53 p.m. Friday, May 5. Upon arrival, the fire crew learned the occupants were conducting a fire drill and set off the alarm. The occupants thought the city dispatch had been notified.
Firefighters responded to assist EMS in lifting a patient at 1617 Willow St., at 8:45 a.m. Saturday, May 6.
Firefighters responded at 9:04 a.m. Saturday, May 6, to 406 Hazel St. # C, for a wellness check. The occupant was home and well at the time.
Firefighters responded at 5:48 p.m. Saturday, May 6, to 2049 Greenwood Dr. for a medical assist where a resident had fallen and could not get up. The crew was able to gain access, check for injuries and helped until EMS arrived.
Firefighters responded at 11:05 a.m. Sunday, May 7, to assist someone trapped in the elevator on the 10th floor at the Poplar Bluff Housing Authority Twin Towers, 506 Hazel St. They took the elevator key and used the fire department stairwell to the 10th floor to remove the person.
Firefighters responded to the Poplar Bluff Housing Authority Twin Towers, 506 Hazel St. to a fire alarm sounding on the ninth floor of the south tower at 3:10 p.m. Sunday, May 7.
According to Battalion Chief Thomas Lane, when the crew arrived no fire or smoke was visible. They went to the ninth floor and checked the apartments and found nothing. Housing Authority maintenance explained the fire alarm panel said it was the 11th floor of the north tower. The firefighters went to the north tower where they found nothing.
After talking to maintenance, the fire alarm was taken out of service until the alarm company could respond the next day.
Firefighters responded to a fire alarm sounding at 11:27 p.m. Sunday, May 7, at Empire Comfort Systems, 2450 S. 11th St. After gaining entry and walking through the building, the key holder arrived. He reset the alarm and firefighters informed him of a sensor they believe had been tripped.
Firefighters responded to motor vehicle accident with no injuries at 11:33 a.m. Monday, May 8, at Highway 53 and Westwood Boulevard.
They arrived at the scene of the two-vehicle accident and the occupants refused EMS. Fire personnel checked the vehicles for leaks and made sure all power was off.
Firefighters responded to a motor vehicle accident involving a pedestrian at 11:08 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, at Park Avenue and Sixth Street. Upon arrival the Poplar Bluff police informed the firefighters the pedestrian had been taken to the hospital by the driver of the vehicle.
Firefighters responded to an unauthorized burning at 6:36 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, at 317 Euclid Ave. Crew members found a large trash fire in the back yard. They explained the city burn codes and put out the fire.
Firefighters responded to a system malfunction alarm at Taco Bell, 450 Highway 53, at 4:24 a.m. Wednesday, May 10. When the key holder arrived to open the door, the key holder noticed when employees left it appeared they hit the panic fire alarm.
Firefighters responded to smoke in the home at 605 S. E St. at 6:48 a.m. Wednesday, May 10. The first unit responding alerted the others a train was on the tracks, blocking the way.
When the crews arrived, the resident had turned the main breaker off, no visible smoke was in the home and the smoke detector was not going off. Firefighters turned the breaker to the air conditioning unit off and back on. The crew advised having the united checked by a technician before using it.