Historic Downtown Poplar Bluff is getting a facelift with several ongoing restoration projects, updated buildings and new businesses.
Downtown Poplar Bluff City Inc. and the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce are offering commercial property owners within the historic downtown area the opportunity to apply for grants of up to $5,000 for restoration and beautification purposes.
“These are not tax dollars, that’s something people are always concerned about,” said Chamber President Steve Halter, who went on to explain the money that is available for the grant program came from donations, events and festivities held throughout the year.
“That’s why it’s important when we have an event like the Iron Horse, or any event that’s raising funds for Downtown Poplar Bluff Inc., they need to support it because those funds are used to better our downtown,” said Halter.
The board believes Downtown is not only a significant cultural asset to the community that should be cherished and protected, it also harbors the opportunity for growth, tourism and revenue for the city.
“County commissioners are working on some improvements to the courthouse. We’re seeing some of the bridges being redone, Haff (Whiskey Saloon) and Mimi’s Royal Cafe, the Poplar Bluff Reality office and Comfort Care, they have all done a lot of work to these buildings and businesses,” said Downtown Director Morgan McIntosh.
She went on to say “Whether it’s city departments, department heads or the chamber or county level, we have people that are so supportive of downtown right now in every position.”
Halter also said the Chamber has had a lot of support from area businesses and residents.
“The newspaper has been supportive as well, and you guys are downtown so that’s great,” he said.
According to Halter, McIntosh is organizing a big event close to the end of summer. “We’re going to have a Downtown open house where people can go around and see all the great things that people have really done.
“We also have plans in the works right now, speaking to some of the beautification things, we have someone planning to repaint the historic downtown public murals,” said Halter.
The one-page application to apply for the grant can be picked up at the Chamber of Commerce, located at 1111 W. Pine St.
“We purposely made it extremely user-friendly and easy,” said Halter.
“We’re hoping this will be an ongoing program,” noted McIntosh.
It is the hope of city organizers and supporters that the community will take part in this mission to revive and restore the downtown area one step at a time.
“So the more funds we have, the more funds we will give out — then our downtown Poplar Bluff advisory board will help us with the selection process. We want to get this money out as quickly as possible because the quicker we get it out, the quicker people can make improvements,” said Halter.