The Wappapello Lake Area Association met March 8, at the Bill Emerson Memorial Visitor Center at Wappapello Lake.
According to Treasurer Deana Teague’s financial report, the fireworks fund has $10,391.32 and regular fund has $16,150.41. The budget for 2023 will be approved after financial adjustment is made, according minutes released from the meeting.
It was shared that Troy Wisdom is merging his fireworks company with another one and board members anticipate a great show for the 4th of July. The fireworks for the event are anticipated to cost $11,000.
Trustee Melvin Boyers reported preparations are underway for Old Greenville Black Powder Rendezvous, which will be held April 14-16. Recording secretary Andrew Jefferson shared Mingo Job Corps has been contacted to assist.
Alyssa Moss stated that no after action meeting for the Festival of Lights was held due to inclement weather conditions. She sent the committee an email for comments concerning the event. No one had responded at the time.
Rachael Robey is working on the WLAA’ss website, according to the minutes. Board members shared it is done but still need more photos of events and a donation page. She invited everyone to go online and check it out. Her email address is
A new WLAA logo is ready to go on signs, tee shirts, coffee mugs, etc.
Bart Dearborn, project manager for Wappapello Lake, gave a brief update on construction activities at Wappapello Lake consisting of Greenville Bike Trail and Day Use area, Redman Creek Campground East and Dam Safety Water Control Public Information Meetings.
WLAA President Stephen Sutter said there will be some projects/activities where WLAA will provide funding and others WLAA will need to provide manpower (volunteer dinner, Greenville Jack O’ Lantern Jubilee). Committees are also needed for some events.
The next meeting will be held at 6 p.m. April 12 at the visitor center. Membership dues should be turned in. An election of officers will also be held at this meeting. All positions will be vacated. Those who are running must be nominated and someone second the nomination. Dues must be paid to cast a vote ($12-individual. $20-family, and $25-business).