February 21, 2023

Several of Poplar Bluff’s gravel streets should soon see a fresh coat of asphalt. The city council discussed a bid Monday for the asphalt that will be used to improve Abington, Bradley and Center streets, and Clare, Clyde and Marion avenues, as well as North Riverview Drive...

Several of Poplar Bluff’s gravel streets should soon see a fresh coat of asphalt.

The city council discussed a bid Monday for the asphalt that will be used to improve Abington, Bradley and Center streets, and Clare, Clyde and Marion avenues, as well as North Riverview Drive.

The asphalt is covered by a grant, city manager Matt Winters said. Work is expected to begin as soon as weather allows and be completed by May 24, he said.

“Our street department is providing the labor,” said Winters.

The city received one bid, from Robertson Asphalt, for approximately $340,000 for the project.

The bid will be a voting item at the March 6 city council meeting.

Poplar Bluff received a Community Block Development Grant in 2021 for the paving. The paving makes up a combined two miles of streets. Environmental assessments and engineering work were required before paving could begin.

Mayor Steve Davis asked if this work would take care of all of the city’s gravel streets.

Winters said it would not, but it would target the more populated gravel streets.

Council members also heard an update from Larry Kimbrow of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 256.

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The group has taken on re-establishing a committee to oversee the maintenance of the Butler County Veterans Memorial Wall in front of the Black River Coliseum, he said.

The board now has 15 active members who are meeting every two weeks and are planning fundraisers.

They are also re-establishing the process to accept new names to be placed on the wall. Kimbrow said they’ve received 30 applications since work to re-establish the committee began, including announcements in the Daily American Republic.

The wall needs repairs to the cement blocks which hold the upright panels, Kimbrow said, some of which have shifted as much as 10 inches. It has also been vandalized with red paint, which the group is working to have removed.

In other business, the council:

• Approved supplemental agreement 1 to the engineering services contract with Smith & Company related to the Wolf Creek Trail Project. The contract price will increase by approximately $10,600, related to design changes due to the right-of-way acquisition process. The deadline to obtain approvals from the Missouri Department of Transportation has been extended from May 31, 2022, to May 31, 2024. The total design phase services shall not exceed $45,816.81.

• Approved supplemental agreement 1 to the transportation enhancement funds agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission related to the Wolf Creek Trail Project. This change sets the date of July 31, 2024, for the project to be under construction contract. The project relates to public improvements and construction of a sidewalk. The federal share of the project is 75%, not to exceed $375,273.

• Approved a contract with Smith & Company Engineers for the downtown infrastructure improvements project. The project relates to the removal and replacement of sidewalks from Fifth Street to Broadway. Design costs are not to exceed $48,556.65. Inspection services are not to exceed $32,457.76.

• Approved change order 4 for the Poplar Bluff police station project. The total amount was almost $17,200, including approximately $14,400 for the import and placement of topsoil. City council documents state the original contract was $8.13 million. The contract sum will decrease by almost $100,100, to just over $8 million.

• Discussed replacement of a roof over the pool at the Black River Coliseum aquatic center. Winters said this is the second time this part of the roof has been replaced and that there may have been some original installation issues. The items were past warranty but the city has submitted an insurance claim related to it. The city is also working with engineers to ensure all issues are corrected, Winters said.

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