February 20, 2023

The Neelyville School Board confirmed this week that cell phones can be confiscated if students violate rules regarding their use on school property. Neelyville Superintendent Heather Black stated nothing has changed in regards to the cell phone policy, but she sought legal advice from an attorney to discuss the matter as she felt it was in the best interest of the school to know the legalities before enforcing the policy...

The Neelyville School Board confirmed this week that cell phones can be confiscated if students violate rules regarding their use on school property.

Neelyville Superintendent Heather Black stated nothing has changed in regards to the cell phone policy, but she sought legal advice from an attorney to discuss the matter as she felt it was in the best interest of the school to know the legalities before enforcing the policy.

“She (the attorney) stated the school is a governing body and as long as we are providing the information on what steps we are going to go through with cell phones, the parents and students are informed of those steps and given due process, meaning they are given the opportunity to be heard, then yes, if they did in-fact break a rule, it can be confiscated,” said Black.

The district’s cell phone policy is published in the 2022-2023 student handbook.

It states students are not allowed to use their cell phones during school, including on buses, school grounds, in restrooms or in dressing rooms.. Students may use school phones to contact parents or guardians about time changes for activities or in emergencies. Cell phones may be used during extracurricular activities as directed by school personnel.

Students are prohibited from taking photos, videos or utilizing social media.

“This is to ensure the protection and wellbeing of all involved, the guarding of the school culture, the preservation of instructional time, and the maintenance of a positive image for the district,” according to the policy.

Penalties for violating the policy include:

• First offense

Item will be confiscated and a parent/guardian must meet with the principal by appointment to retrieve the item at the end of the school day.

• Second offense.

Item will be confiscated and a parent/guardian must meet with the principal by appointment to retrieve the item at the end of the school day. The student will receive two days in school suspension.

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• Third offense

Item will be confiscated and a parent/guardian must meet with the principal by appointment to retrieve the item at the end of the school day. The student will also receive an out-of-school suspension of one to 10 days, to be determined by the building principal

Electric bus

Neelyville School was one of 25 rural school districts in the area recently awarded a clean school bus program rebate, according to the United States EPA.

The board voted to accept a bid received from Lion Electric for the purchase of a 77-passenger electric bus at a cost of $374,954 for the bus and $8,000 for the charger. The awarded grant, which was $395,000, will pay for the entirety of the bus and charger.

Building needs

The high school building, according to board discussion, has recently been experiencing some plumbing backup issues. Recent rain and snowfall have exacerbated the issue, officials said. The board voted to have Superior Plumbing make some needed repairs to those lines at the high school building.

Six bids were received for the installation of new security cameras inside and outside of the district’s buildings. Some concerns expressed during the discussion were the removal of old lines and equipment and recording capabilities.

After much deliberation, the board voted to accept a bid from Safe and Sound Security and work should begin before the year’s end. The bid from Safe and Sound Security for the installation and removal of old equipment came in at $24,785.

“I feel like they are going to be here in a year when we need help,” said board member Vernon Barker, of the decision to accept the bid.

The board also voted to adopt the 2023 Butler County Hazard Mitigation Plan, which is a plan written by a committee, according to Black.

“If there is a disaster, this is the plan that is put into place. We have to attend meetings and be a part of that for our school to then be serviced if there ever should be a disaster,” she said.

The board is scheduled to meet again at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 16.

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