January 26, 2023

Crews are out working fervently to get power restored to some 7,800 residents who are still currently without electricity in the area, according to chief financial officer for Black River Electric Cooperative, Cody Eaves. “We don’t have estimates at this point of when it will be back on,” said Eaves, “but I will point out on our website brec.coop, we have an update out there as of this morning that gives some information.”...

Crews are out working fervently to get power restored to some 7,800 residents who are still currently without electricity in the area, according to chief financial officer for Black River Electric Cooperative, Cody Eaves.

“We don’t have estimates at this point of when it will be back on,” said Eaves, “but I will point out on our website brec.coop, we have an update out there as of this morning that gives some information.”

(Once on the page, clicking the outage tab and going to storm center will provide the most updated information to users.)

According to Black River Electric Coops’ online update, “this winter storm has impacted more members than any other storm in BREC’s history. There were 18,000 members without power at the storm’s peak. Crews have restored power to over 10,000 members.”

Eaves stated they have recruited the help of linemen from other areas to assist, “I believe we’re at 29 linemen from other co-ops that are assisting us in addition to our crews who are working around the clock to restore power as quickly as possible.” Eaves said they made a lot of progress yesterday, “and we’re hoping for another big day today, but we are asking that folks who are without power make preparations for an outage that could extend into the weekend.”

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Ozark Border Electric Coops’ website shows they currently have just over 800 residents without power in the area.

Several warming centers have been opened due to the widespread power outages in the area.

Butler County Emergency Management Director Robbie Myers said in Poplar Bluff residents can go to the Public Library, as well as the Butler County Health Department during business hours to get warm.

In Piedmont, the FEMA Building, which is located behind the Clearwater Elementary School, is open to those in need. They ask that visitors park behind the building and enter through the side door.

The Patterson Community Center will be open, as well as the FEMA Building located at Greenville High School. For a complete list of warming centers in the state visit mo.gov and click on the link titled “Stay warm this winter at a warming center.”

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