November 26, 2022

This week our country is once again observing Thanksgiving. We use this opportunity to reflect on the many wonderful blessings we have received from God. One of my greatest blessings, as in many families in this nation, is a time to celebrate the holiday with family and friends...

Hardy Billington

This week our country is once again observing Thanksgiving. We use this opportunity to reflect on the many wonderful blessings we have received from God. One of my greatest blessings, as in many families in this nation, is a time to celebrate the holiday with family and friends.

The Thanksgiving holiday should also continue to be a time to appreciate and celebrate the many blessings and freedoms we have as citizens of the United States. I am very grateful to God that I have been born in this great country. I talked to someone the other day and she said she traveled to other countries, which I have also done. We agreed that America is the greatest nation on earth. We should be thankful that we live in a free country where we can worship God the way we choose. Even the poorest among us are blessed compared to those in other nations.

This is a nation at its greatest when we care for and look out for one another, and there is no better time than now to reaffirm our commitment to being good neighbors and good citizens. We have so much to be thankful for, but we must continue to work together so that future generations have an even greater abundance of blessings to celebrate and appreciate.

While some other states have seen numerous issues plague their election process, Missouri once again conducted a successful and secure general election. When Missourians went to the polls on November 8th they made their voices heard in a fair and safe process that provides timely, accurate results

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November 8th was the first statewide election to take place under the new election integrity measures that were approved by the General Assembly this year. Lawmakers approved HB 1878 during the 2022 legislative session to make numerous improvements to the process. Among other changes, HB 1878 provided two weeks of no-excuse in-person absentee voting. It also required voters to show a valid photo ID or cast a provisional ballot.

According to Local Election Authorities, the state had a successful Election Day under the new law. Unofficial totals show a turnout with just over two million registered voters casting a ballot. Secretary of State John Ashcroft responded by thanking local authorities, poll workers, and voters for helping Missouri have an effective and efficient process.

“First, I want to thank our election authorities and the thousands of poll workers across the state who worked long hours yesterday,” said Ashcroft. “As well, I want to thank the people of Missouri who made their voices heard. Missouri can’t have safe, accurate and accessible elections without voters.”

May God bless and keep you and our great nation.

Hardy Billington represents District 152, which includes parts of Butler and Dunklin counties.

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