July 29, 2022

Anyone needing to learn more about what will happen with cash rents in 2022 will want to attend the Missouri Farm Leases Program to be held Wednesday, Aug. 24, at the Butler County Extension Office, 614 Lindsay St. “Farm leases are a very hot topic right now with cash rents at their current level and crop prices staying higher so landlords and tenants need to make certain they’re getting what they believe they should be,” said Joe Koenen, agricultural business specialist with the University of Missouri Extension and one of the workshop presenters.. ...

Anyone needing to learn more about what will happen with cash rents in 2022 will want to attend the Missouri Farm Leases Program to be held Wednesday, Aug. 24, at the Butler County Extension Office, 614 Lindsay St.

“Farm leases are a very hot topic right now with cash rents at their current level and crop prices staying higher so landlords and tenants need to make certain they’re getting what they believe they should be,” said Joe Koenen, agricultural business specialist with the University of Missouri Extension and one of the workshop presenters.

The program will run from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Butler County Extension Office. There is a $50 per person charge or $75 per two people from the same farm operation. This includes one set of materials and a light meal. It will also be done via Zoom (online) if you prefer.

Issues such as when should a tenant pay part of the rent, how and when can a current lease be terminated, who pays for fertilizer or lime and how much rent should one receive for a farm are some of the questions that will be discussed.

“There are many issues both farm landlords and tenants need to be aware of and this program is designed to address these issues,” according to Koenen.

Other topics that will be discussed that night are: livestock share arrangements; current cash rents in Missouri and trends; which items to discuss and agree on in a lease; terminating a farm lease — when and how to do it legally; and recreational (hunting) leases — what you should be aware of.

Pre-registration is required by Aug. 22. In-person space at some sites may be limited. The registration link will be provided after you pay or you can contact the Butler County Extension Office at 573-686-8064.

University of Missouri Extension is presenting this program. Koenen and the other instructors have worked on farm leases with landlords and tenants for many years.
