May 20, 2022

The Cane Creek Community Club members met Wednesday, May 11, for the first time since October. Wilma Rains hosted the event. Nancy Wujcik said, “the meeting was especially joyous as we had not met since October 2021.” President Glenda Phillips called the meeting to order. ...

The Cane Creek Community Club members met Wednesday, May 11, for the first time since October. Wilma Rains hosted the event.

Nancy Wujcik said, “the meeting was especially joyous as we had not met since October 2021.”

President Glenda Phillips called the meeting to order. Rains gave the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited. Janet Gilmore read an inspiring devotional about aging. During the sharing and caring time, Phillips honored two former club members, Ernestine Gilton and Shirley Whalen, who had passed away.

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“The five members present answered a roll call about superstitions they practiced such as going back in the same door they came out and being mindful of black cats,” Wujcik said, explaining the meeting was held before Friday the 13th.

During a short business meeting, Catherine Bryant read the minutes. In old business, Phillips reported she had delivered 190 items (underwear, socks) to Lake Road school. In new business, it was decided to collect hygiene or food items for the homeless.

The meeting was adjourned by reading the club collect, which begins “Keep us, oh God, from pettiness. Let us be large in thought, word, and deed.”

The next meeting will be at 1:30 p.m., June 13, at Rains’ house. Visitors or new members are welcome.

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