May 6, 2022

A student who once found school a struggle has captured first place in a state essay contest, after being inspired by her late grandfather. Samantha Grace Frye’s grandfather, James Floyd Frye Sr., died in November from complications related to COVID-19...

A student who once found school a struggle has captured first place in a state essay contest, after being inspired by her late grandfather.

Samantha Grace Frye’s grandfather, James Floyd Frye Sr., died in November from complications related to COVID-19.

It was a devastating time for Frye, but she says she knows how proud he would be of her now.

The Neelyville High School senior competed in the JAG Career Development Conference essay contest in April in Jefferson City. JAG stands for Jobs for America’s Graduates.

The essay topic was “What has contributed to making Missouri great over the past 200 years?” Frye chose to write about how music impacted the state over 200 years.

“My grandfather... was a very influential person in my life,” Frye said. “He loved music and that is why I chose to write this essay around the theme of music. I focused on specifics such as the genres of music, the composers who were from Missouri and how it gave people a voice to express themselves.

“He was so proud of me for winning the essay contest for my school. Shortly after our trip to Jefferson City in November, he passed away from complications of COVID-19. It was a devastating time for me, but I know how proud he would be of me to know that I won the JAG essay contest for the entire state of Missouri.”

Frye, who is 18, became involved in JAG her junior year after struggling in school.

“I had poor attendance which caused me to lose focus,” Frye said. “I had no motivation and was concerned I wouldn’t have enough credits to graduate. I thought JAG would get me back on track and give me another family to turn to.

“Throughout my year in JAG, I have been able to talk to my specialist, Mrs. Shannon (Davis), about anything and have leaned on my fellow JAG classmates to help me through my tough times and make me laugh.”

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Her parents are Tracy and Judy Frye and a “very important person” in her life is her grandmother, Janice Frye. Her five siblings are Ashley, Elizabeth, Trevor, Keshia and Adam.

Her activities include JAG, Educational Talent Search (of which Frye is a leader), Future Business Leaders of America, Cadet and yearbook staff.

Cadet is a program where students get to work with a teacher. For a semester, they teach a lesson. They help tutor and guide the students and do bulletin boards, normal teacher requirements and duties. As a result, they get two years of college paid for at a community college.

Frye said, she has a “passion for animals and enjoys talking and being with her friends.”

Representing Neelyville at the governor’s mansion in November “was an experience I would have never been able to have until I became a part of JAG. It showed me how beneficial JAG was to our school,” Frye said.

Missouri’s first lady Teresa Parson “was very welcoming and was a role model for the JAG students,” Frye said. “She was a very admirable person. She greeted each of the JAG students individually and presented us with a special token as we left the mansion.”

Frye, who didn’t attend the April event, thought someone was playing a practical joke when she got the first message about winning.

“My specialist Mrs. Shannon texted me and told me I had won first in the state. ... I just knew she was pranking me,” Frye said. “But then, I received a second text from a classmate who was at the conference, who confirmed what Mrs. Shannon had said, so I realized at that point I had won first in state.

“My heart began to race as I quickly called my parents, my aunt and my grandma. My family was very proud of me.”

Frye plans to attend Three Rivers College in the fall.

“I plan to become a teacher. I have chosen this career field because I want to make a difference in the lives of children, just as the teachers I had have done for me,” she said.

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