April 22, 2022

Searching for ways to better care of your body, mind, spirit or you simply are concerned about falling. Northside Community Center, 1450 Garfield St., will be the host site for two programs beginning Wednesday, April 27, designed to provide answers for dealing with both issues...

Searching for ways to better care of your body, mind, spirit or you simply are concerned about falling. Northside Community Center, 1450 Garfield St., will be the host site for two programs beginning Wednesday, April 27, designed to provide answers for dealing with both issues.

The first class “Taking care of you: body, mind, spirit” will be held from 10 a.m. to noon and will meet for four weeks.

Do you have concerns about falling? A matter of balance class will be held from 1-3 p.m. for eight weeks.

John Fuller, human development and family sciences specialist for University of Missouri Extension in Butler County, will conduct the Taking care of you classes and co-teach the Matter of Balance Class with Kelley Brent and Maude Harris. Brunt works with extension in Wayne County and Harris works in Scott County. They are both engagement specialists in nutrition and health education.

Taking care of yourself may take more effort than you expect. If you need guidance, consider attending the program. The sessions will offer practical strategies for dealing with stress and life challenges.

Developed by an interdisciplinary MU Extension team, the research-based program focuses on positive psychology and mindfulness in sessions held over four weeks. Participants learn concepts and practical strategies they can incorporate into their everyday lives through small group discussion, self-reflection and group activities.

The program teaches ways to:

• Take better care of body, mind and spirit health

• Become more aware of the mind-body connection, and how to use this awareness for better health

• Respond rather than react to life’s stressors

• Discover opportunities in life’s challenges

• Develop habits that can lead to better health

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• Find ways to bring more joy into life

• Simplify life

• Live more in the moment

The topic are Mind-Body Connection and Responding vs Reacting, Learning to Practice Self-Care and Dimensions of Wellness; Time Stress, Mindfulness and Recasting and Iceberg of Health and Moving Forward.

The second class is for the many older adults who have experienced concerns about falling and restrict their activities. A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels.

Fuller said, “Each week builds on the next. We talk about concerns when it comes to falls, how to reduce the chances of falling, how to get up if you fall, and why we fall sometimes.”

The program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls.

“The class is filled with activities and exercise,” Fuller said. “Not only will they learn from the class. They learn from each other as they share experiences. Some will be similar and some will be different. We want people to retain their independence and by preventing falls. People can be empowered to have more control of their lives.”

The class is designed for attendee to learn to view falls as controllable. Participants will learn to set goals for increasing activity, make changes to reduce fall risks at home and how to exercise to increase strength and balance.

Fuller explained those who should attend are concerned about falls, interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength, anyone who has fallen in the past and anyone who has restricted activities because of falling concerns.

To register or for additional information, call 573-300-6450. There is no registration deadline.

Organizers would appreciate a $5 donation for the community center for each class attended.

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