January 26, 2022

WAPPAPELLO — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Wappapello Lake will host a Winter Watch event on Saturday, Feb. 5, centered around the Bill Emerson Memorial Visitor Center and the Spillway Recreation Area. During the event, visitors will have an opportunity to watch the bald eagles which make their home at the lake...

WAPPAPELLO — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Wappapello Lake will host a Winter Watch event on Saturday, Feb. 5, centered around the Bill Emerson Memorial Visitor Center and the Spillway Recreation Area.

During the event, visitors will have an opportunity to watch the bald eagles which make their home at the lake.

“The idea behind it is to make people more aware of the eagles we have here at the lake,” said Park Ranger Andrew Jefferson.

Visitors will “check in at the visitor center at 10 a.m., and from that point, they will be directed down to the spillway,” Jefferson said. “The main focal point will be the nest below the dam.”

At that location, Jefferson said, spotting scopes will be set up to provide better viewing, and a student ranger will be on hand to answer questions.

If visitors would like to explore other areas where they may find eagles, Jefferson said, they will be able to do so, and a map showing potential spots will be available at the visitor center.

At the visitor center, Jefferson said, there will be activities for children.

“We’ll have some crafts and coloring sheets for kids available up at the visitor center,” he said.

While the Winter Watch program will run from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., Jefferson said, the visitor center will be open until 4 p.m. and will be staffed by volunteers.

Those taking part in the program, he said, are asked to bring binoculars, spotting scopes and a camera if they have them. Otherwise, loaners will be on hand.

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“Of course, we want them to dress according to the weather, too,” Jefferson said.

The Corps tentatively has scheduled other programs throughout 2022 at the visitor center, Jefferson noted.

On June 11, a bee program will be presented by a local beekeeper.

On June 18, staff from the Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield will present a program on eagles, with live specimens won display.

On July 9, the popular Animology program will return to Wappapello.

On July 23, staff from the Dickerson Park Zoo will return for an owl program with live birds.

On Aug. 6, staff from Watkins Wildlife Rehab in Sedgewickville will present an animal program.

On Aug. 20, the annual duck blind drawing will take place at 9 a.m. at the visitor center, and later that day, the Lake Saint Louis Professional Ski Team will return to Wappapello for a third time to perform at the Redman Creek Recreation Area.

The final tentatively scheduled program will take place Aug. 27, when staff from the Missouri Department of Conservation will offer a presentation on snakes.

For more information on events at Wappapello Lake, contact the operations office 573-222-8562.

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