SIKESTON — The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded contracts for Southeast District projects during its regular meeting Dec. 1.
Awarded contracts include resurfacing, adding shoulders, culvert and bridge replacements, erosion control repairs and sidewalk improvements.
Contracts include the following:
• A $598,000 contract was awarded to H.R. Quadri Contractors, LLC, for erosion control repairs at various locations in the Southeast District.
• A $1,897,146 contract was awarded to Apex Paving Co., for resurfacing on northbound and southbound Route 67 in Wayne County northbound from Route 34 to the Madison County line, and southbound from Route 34 to Business 67 near Greenville.
• A $3,380,000 contract was awarded to Pace Construction Company for resurfacing Route T from Route 51 to Route 60 and paving shoulders from Route D to Route 60 in Wayne and Butler Counties.
• A $2,990,000 contract was awarded to Pace Construction Company for resurfacing and adding shoulders on Route NN from Route 412 to the Arkansas State line.
• A $160,750 contract was awarded to Putz Construction, LLC, for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements at various locations in the Southeast District.
Additional information regarding timelines and impacts to traffic will be released prior to the start of construction.
For more information, please contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636).