July 10, 2021

Ever since the Continental Congress adopted the first American flag during the Revolutionary War, “Old Glory” has instilled pride in Americans, and served as a beacon for people worldwide. We have fought many wars to defend the flag and what it represents – freedom, equality and opportunity. ...

Hardy Billington

Ever since the Continental Congress adopted the first American flag during the Revolutionary War, “Old Glory” has instilled pride in Americans, and served as a beacon for people worldwide. We have fought many wars to defend the flag and what it represents – freedom, equality and opportunity. It has stood the test of time, and because it symbolizes our nation’s values and people, I believe it deserves our protection. When I say the pledge of allegiance I feel pride but also sadness thinking of those who have sacrificed for our nation.

This is why I am troubled by those who trample, burn, or otherwise disrespect our flag. The examples are everywhere: children being taught to hate our flag and our country; an American Olympian refusing to salute the flag; a musician wanting to change the flag design so that it represents “all Americans”; the New York Times writing that the flag is a symbol of divisiveness.

I don’t deny our nation has made mistakes, as all nations have. However, I have traveled to many countries, and I believe America is undoubtedly the greatest nation in the world, so I would never want to change the design the flag. I urge parents to teach their children to love instead of hate. Because, in the words President Lincoln, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

In view of the many anti-American sentiments being aired across our country, we are fortunate to live in a community full of so many patriotic citizens. As I marched through the streets for the July 4th parade it was amazing to see how many people came out and flew our flag. I encourage everyone to join me in proudly displaying the “Stars and Stripes” at your home or business.

During the 2021 legislative session House members worked diligently to protect Missourians who mistakenly received overpayments on their unemployment benefits. The House held numerous hearings to investigate the issue, and passed legislation to ensure those who received overpayments through no fault of their own would not have to repay the federal dollars they received.

While the bill approved by the House ultimately did not receive Senate approval, the thousands of Missourians who received overpayments received good news this week as the Department of Labor revealed a plan for a potential waiver of the recovery of the benefits. The department announced the state is implementing a process for eligible claimants to apply to the Division of Employment Security (DES) for potential waiver of the recovery of non-fraud federal pandemic program unemployment benefit overpayments.

The waiver provision applies to overpaid benefits for weeks ending Feb. 8, 2020, through June 12, 2021, under these federal pandemic programs:

• Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)

• Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

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• Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)

• Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation (MEUC)

• Lost Wages Assistance (LWA)

The waiver of recovery only applies to non-fraud federal benefit overpayments. Regular state unemployment insurance (UI) and Extended Benefits (EB) overpayments are not eligible for waiver. Collection activities will begin on state benefit overpayments in August.

For eligibility, the overpayment must not be a result of claimant fault, and collection of the overpayment must be against equity and good conscience, per federal guidance. 

Claimants who were overpaid benefits under any of the federal pandemic programs and are eligible for consideration will be notified in July and given instructions on how to apply for a waiver.

Information may be found online at https://labor.mo.gov/coronavirus.

May God bless and keep you and our great nation.

Hardy Billington represents District 152, which includes parts of Butler and Dunklin counties.

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