June 30, 2021

“We can’t put COVID totally behind us just yet,” since Missouri is experiencing a rise in individuals contracting the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus, stated Butler County Emergency Management Agency Director Robbie Myers. Butler County Health Department Administrator Emily Goodin agrees with Myers...

“We can’t put COVID totally behind us just yet,” since Missouri is experiencing a rise in individuals contracting the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus, stated Butler County Emergency Management Agency Director Robbie Myers.

Butler County Health Department Administrator Emily Goodin agrees with Myers.

“We need to remember we’re not out of the woods yet,” Goodin said. “It’s still out there and we still need to take the proper precautions and get vaccinated if you’re not vaccinated.”

Myers, Goodin and Springfield, Missouri, health officials are keeping watchful eyes on the highly-contagious COVID-19 Delta variant.

Goodin said, the state is testing “where there are clusters of cases or hot spots. Butler County is not a hot spot, so they’re not requesting us to do further Delta variant testing. It is the same procedure as COVID testing; they have to run a different sequence on the specimen.”

The last time Goodin spoke with state officials, they were testing in northern Missouri and in southwest Missouri.

As of Wednesday, Butler County had 19 new COVID-19 cases and 28 active cases this week. For 2021, the county has had 1,015 cases with 15 deaths. Total cases during the pandemic have been 4,640, with total deaths reaching 50.

No Delta variant cases have been reported in Butler County, but Springfield health officials said the variant continues to take a toll on their community, especially among younger adults who are not fully vaccinated. A case reportedly was confirmed earlier this week in West Plains, Missouri, as well.

Cases of the Delta variant have skyrocketed in the past few weeks, accounting for 93% of cases tested for variants, said Springfield-Greene County Health Department Acting Director of Health, Katie Towns.

Towns and Goodin both provided insight on the dangers the Delta variant poses to individuals who are not vaccinated.

“For more than a year, many people have chosen to not take this disease seriously simply because they believed those who were suffering the most were older or already suffering from other illnesses and underlying health conditions. The Delta variant is proving these assumptions wrong,” said Towns. “It is a threat to people of all ages. We have heard from our hospital partners that more and more younger people are being hospitalized and put on ventilators.”

Goodin said, “Get a COVID vaccine. Continue to practice good hygiene, wash your hands, wear a mask, cover your cough.”

If you are not vaccinated and you are eligible, you should get vaccinated, Goodin stressed. If you are not vaccinated, wear your mask, she said.

Goodin recommends staying home if you do not feel well.

“Not all vaccines are 100%, however getting the COVID vaccine will help,” she said.

Myers said, the Delta variant cases of COVID are being monitored “on our regional and state calls. We’ll continue to work with the partners we’ve been working with, where you’re going to have pertinent information, to make sure working with the health department, we get it out to the community.”

Since it’s been observed in southwest Missouri, Myers said, “it’s something that’s being paid close attention to, but it’s still the same type of precautions we’ve been talking about, for those who are in high risk and choose to get vaccines that are readily available now in our community.”

“We encourage those who want to get one, to go ahead and do that,” Myers said. “We’re still learning a lot more about the Delta string of how it might be different in different settings. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot of information. We just know it’s a little different.”

When Myers gets information about the Delta variant, it will be forthcoming to the public.

The state is watching it, especially when they see it getting in places and moving geographically, he said. They want to make sure they’re checking other places.

One for All Missouri Campaign: COVID-19, in this week’s report said, “Missouri is experiencing a troubling trend: COVID-19 cases, while still well below their previous levels, are on the rise. As several counties within the state experience an uptick in cases, public health experts with the One for All Missouri campaign are urging Missourians to get vaccinated and take steps to stop the spread.

“Recent outbreaks around the state have shown the importance of vaccination and continuing safety measures. After seeing a steady decline in cases following the vaccine rollout, COVID-19 cases have been increasing in the state over the past few weeks.”

Increasing the vaccination rate among Missourians will be key to stopping the spread of COVID-19 during the summer months and beyond.

Children as young as 12 are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Registering through local health departments, the Missouri Vaccine Navigator or contacting the Missouri COVID-19 hotline at 877-435-8411 can help Missourians identify and sign up for available appointments in their area.

Scheduled rapid testing will be done every Wednesday by appointment only in Butler County. To schedule a test, go to https://www.butlercountyhealth.org/. Look for “Vaccine Registration & Coronavirus Info” and click the “Book Now” icon, or call 877-435-8411 to set up your appointment.

Viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur over time, officials report. This variant is highly transmissible and is causing more serious illness and hospitalizations among those who have not been vaccinated. Vaccination is the most effective and long-lasting tool for protection from COVID-19 variants.
