April 15, 2021

The Agee Community Club held their April noon luncheon at Five Star China Buffet on April 8. The hostess this month was ...

The Agee Community Club held their April noon luncheon at Five Star China Buffet on April 8.

The hostess this month was Nickey Orton. Club President Cathy Womack opened the meeting with the ladies repeating the club motto, “When the heart is full of love the world is full of beauty”. Jeanie Figgins offered the invocation. Nadine Johnson read the devotional from Psalms 100. A song of praise for the Lords faithfulness to his people.

Roll call was answered with, “If you could go anywhere and money were no object, where in the world would you go and why”. Figgins read the secretary and treasurers reports, there was no old or new business.

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Hostess for May will be Womack. Magazines were exchanged and each lady was given a copy of the Black River Times. Johnson gave each lady a bag with fabric, padding and a binder and talked about how to make a padded photo album.

Womack read a poem from belated honorary club member Orel Smith’s book of poetry titled, “April Rain”. Some articles were read from the Black River Times. Door prize was won by Womack.

The ladies dismissed by repeating the club collect, “Be still and know that I am God”, Psalms 46:10.

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