April 1, 2021

We see all the trappings of Easter as an American holiday in stores and commercials: the Easter Bunny, chocolate candy and colored eggs. But beyond this lies the most profound reality of Christian faith—the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We asked several ministry leaders throughout southeast Missouri a simple question: “What does Easter mean to you?” Here is what they had to say:...

By MARK SANDERS, Contributing Writer

We see all the trappings of Easter as an American holiday in stores and commercials: the Easter Bunny, chocolate candy and colored eggs. But beyond this lies the most profound reality of Christian faith—the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We asked several ministry leaders throughout southeast Missouri a simple question: “What does Easter mean to you?” Here is what they had to say:

• T.J. Woodard, Bluff First Assembly of God, Poplar Bluff: “Easter means that Jesus is who He said He is, and that the future world without sin, without division, without sickness or death is not only guaranteed later but available in pieces now. The Resurrection changed and changes everything and can change anyone!”

• Joshua Smith, Christ Episcopal Church Cape Girardeau: “For me, Easter is about the way God refuses to allow death to have the final word. Because Jesus has been raised, all of the painful realities of our daily lives—our estrangement from loved ones, our hostility toward the stranger, the unraveling of our sense of community with one another, even the heavy-heartedness that’s just part of waking up and being human day after day—all of these things are given a radically new perspective when seen through resurrection-tinted glasses. Easter is a reminder that no matter how bad our situation gets, there is always the promise of new life on the other side of death: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not (will not, cannot ever) overcome it.”

• Byron Beck, Fellowship Church, Poplar Bluff: “For me, Easter is about new life and a new start—for Jesus first, and for me, and for anyone who looks to Him for salvation. Jesus absorbed the ugliness of my worst sins on the cross, and then, with His resurrection power, graciously breathed new life into me. There is nothing better than to know that my past is forgiven and my future is alive and full of hope with His love!”

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• Jason Jordan, West Side Church of God, Poplar Bluff: “The first thing that comes into my mind when I think of Easter is the word ‘New’! I used to think that resurrection was God repairing old things, but now I know that the resurrection is about God making new things! This is the hope for us as Christians, that God will make all things new! ‘And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”’—Revelation 21:5.”

• Mike Malone, Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Poplar Bluff: “Easter is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah. But Easter couldn’t happen without Good Friday, when he was crucified. The quick answer is that he died for our sins, but there’s a much bigger story here. He didn’t just die for our sins, he died to rescue all of Creation. His resurrection shows that not only has he conquered the corruption of Creation, but he has conquered death as well. This looks forward to our own resurrection: a physical resurrection. And not in some weird, bodiless heaven, but heaven actually coming and joining with earth, so that God dwells with us and we take our intended places as image-bearers of God.”

• Zach McAnulty, Heartland Christian Family Church, Poplar Bluff: “Easter is the celebration of the most important event in human history—Christ’s resurrection. Without the resurrection, we would have no freedom from our sin. Too many people look at it as a day to get dressed up, go to church and create a ‘He is Risen’ post, which is great. But for me, it is another opportunity to express my thankfulness for grace that I did not earn or deserve from a holy and righteous God. Easter is a time I can humbly recall God’s faithfulness and proclaim the testimony of Jesus. I once was bound by sin and shame, but now I am living life fully and in abundance through him.”

• John Harwell, New Life Christian Church United, Poplar Bluff: “Easter is a celebration of hope. The resurrection brings the hope of dwelling in the Eternal Presence of God, but it but also brings hope for life more abundant in the here and now. In the light of the resurrection we can find release from the bondage of sin and self to walk in newness of life. This year Easter coincides with a time when Hope might mean a gradual return to participating in life with loved ones and activities curtailed during the pandemic. Many are looking forward to traditional Easter worship and family gatherings. Hope, in all of its forms, is a key part of Easter.”

• Mike Williams, First Christian Church, Dexter: “Easter is God’s assurance that life will always overcome death. After one of the most traumatic events in our lifetime, this year that reminder is more important than ever. Vaccinated people reconnecting after months of isolation is resurrection at work.”

• Justin Benefiel, New Home General Baptist Church, Poplar Bluff: “Freedom from our own humanity.”

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