March 22, 2021

Saint Francis Healthcare System will be holding a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Piedmont Physician Associates, located at 420 Piedmont Avenue in Piedmont, on Monday, March 29 from 9 to 11 a.m. An appointment is required. Individuals in Phase 1 and 2 are eligible to receive the vaccine, beginning that day. Phase 2 includes the equity and economic recovery sector, including the following:...

Saint Francis Healthcare System will be holding a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Piedmont Physician Associates, located at 420 Piedmont Avenue in Piedmont, on Monday, March 29 from 9 to 11 a.m. An appointment is required.

Individuals in Phase 1 and 2 are eligible to receive the vaccine, beginning that day. Phase 2 includes the equity and economic recovery sector, including the following:

• Chemical Sector: Employees engaged in the manufacture, store, use and transport of potentially dangerous chemicals and other diverse products in the chemical sector that are essential to modern life and economic activity;

• Construction Sector: Employees or contractors engaged in the construction or repair of buildings, infrastructure or industrial facilities;

• Commercial Facilities Sector: Employees engaged in activities related to the eight subsectors within the commercial facilities sector;

• Critical Manufacturing Sector: Employees in critical manufacturing engaged in the production of certain goods;

• Defense Industrial Base Sector: Employees that contribute to products and services that are essential to mobilize, deploy and sustain military operations and national defense

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• Financial Services Sector: Employees within the financial services sector;

• Food/Agriculture Sector — remaining: Populations within the sector not included in prior phases and tiers, including restaurants;

• Government: Other state and local government designated personnel required to provide essential services;

• Higher Education: Faculty and staff at public, private and/or nonprofit higher education institutions;

• Disproportionately Affected Populations: Populations at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19, with emphasis on racialand ethnic minorities not otherwise included in earlier phases and tiers;

• Homeless: Populations at increased risk of acquiring or transmitting COVID-19 that were not ncluded in earlier phases;

• Libraries: Staff at public, private and/or nonprofit libraries.

To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, call 573-381-5958.

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