Twin Rivers R-X students will have a very similar schedule for the 2021-22 school year as they did this year.
The school board approved a calendar during their meeting last week, after delaying it due to incremental weather.
Students are scheduled to be in class for a total of 1,045 hours over the course of the school year.
The calendar includes five teacher work days and 27 days out for holidays or other breaks.
Teachers will return to school Aug. 17, with Aug. 12 scheduled for new teacher orientation.
Classes will start Aug. 23 with the first day off Sept. 6 for Labor Day.
The first parent/teacher conference day will be Sept. 23, which is a half day for students, with the day after scheduled as a day off.
Students will have a four-day weekend for Columbus Day, with teacher professional development scheduled for Oct. 8 and Oct. 10 as the holiday.
The first quarter of school will end the following Friday, Oct. 15.
Fall break is scheduled as Nov. 15 with Nov. 22-26 off for Thanksgiving Break.
The second quarter will end Dec. 17 and students will be out for Christmas break from Dec. 20 through Jan. 2. Classes resume Jan. 3.
Jan. 17 will be a day off for Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
There will be another parent/teacher conference day Feb. 17, and Feb. 18 and Feb. 21 will be days off for President’s Day.
Students will be off March 10-14, 2021, for spring break, with the first day scheduled as professional development for teachers.
Students will have a four-day weekend for Easter, with April 15 and 18, 2021, as days off.
Graduation is scheduled for May 1, 2021. The last day of school will be May 10, 2021, which is labeled as a half day.