Poplar Bluff City Council
The Poplar Bluff City Council will have a regular meeting at 7 p.m. Monday in the City Council Chambers, 301 S. Fifth St.
The council will review the proposed budget for the city of Poplar Bluff and municipal utilities for 2021. The council will discuss authorizing and directing the submission of a ballot proposition to the voters, to consider imposing a local use tax at the same rate as the local sales tax for the purchases from out-of-state vendors that exceed $2,000 at the general municipal election to be held April 6, 2021.
The council will consider accepting proposed Elledge Lane as a city street, proposals for administrative services for the CDBG-MIT street paving project grant, bids for the NG911 system relative to an upgraded 911 system grant, an amendment to funeral leave, an appointment to the plumbing board to fill an unexpired term, review lease agreements for use of property, and discuss a proposal accepting and approving the assignment and assumption of certain series 2020 revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $42,900,000 to finance a project for the benefit of Briggs and Stratton Corporation, from Briggs and Stratton Corporation to Briggs and Stratton LLC, and authorizing all actions relating thereto.
The City Council will take action on an ordinance selecting administrative services relative to the CDBG-MIT grant application for street paving, an ordinance accepting a bid for the NG911 System relative to an upgraded 911 system grant, an ordinance authorizing the City of Poplar Bluff to accept and approve the assignment and assumption of certain series 2020 revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $42,900,000 to finance a project for the benefit of Briggs and Stratton Corporation, from Briggs and Stratton Corporation to Briggs and Stratton LLC and authorizing all actions relating thereof, an appointment to the plumbing board to fill an unexpired term.
The City Council will meet in a closed meeting and the city manager will give his report.
Municipal Utilities Advisory Board
Municipal Utilities Advisory Board will meet at 3 p.m. Monday at 1902 Sunset Drive.
Municipal Library District
Municipal Library District Board of Trustees The Poplar Bluff Municipal Library District Board of Trustees will have a remote online meeting via zoom at 4 p.m. Monday.
To join the meeting VIA PC: www.poplarbluff.org/zoom or call in phone number is (312) 626-6799. Meeting ID: 986 8914 6324 # Password 63901#.
Housing Advisory Board
The Poplar Bluff Residential Housing Advisory Board Meeting will be at 5 p.m. Thursday in the City Council Chambers, 301 S. Fifth St.
Building Standards Board
The Poplar Bluff Building Standards Board meeting and compliance meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the City Council Chambers, 301 S. Fifth St.
Compliance Hearing — New business
807 Lester — Property Owner — Robert and Kathryn Pinkston
515 Victor — Property Owner — Ronald and Donald Gann
Compliance Hearing — Unfinished business
1709 Saxon — Property Owner — Julius Hightower
1050 Cole — Property Owner — Julius Hightower
1806 Wilson — Property Owner — Billy and Carla Ann Knuckles
Pike Creek Reorganized Common Sewer District
Pike Creek Reorganized Common Sewer District will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9. The meeting will be held via Zoom, he link to join the meeting is available at pikecreeksewer.com.
The Poplar Bluff Disability Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items.
The next scheduled meeting will be at 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 9.
The Poplar Bluff Fair Housing Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items.
The next scheduled meeting will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 9.
The Poplar Bluff Historical Preservation Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items.
The next scheduled meeting will be at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 13.
The Arts and Museum Advisory Board regular meeting scheduled for Thursday has been canceled due to a lack of agenda items.