November 28, 2020

It’s a bad way to die It’s just incredible to me the number of people in Butler County that don’t believe in COVID. Let me tell you, I just spent over a week flat on my back in an isolation room in Batesville, Arkansas, because that was the closest place the people in PBRMC could find for me. ...

__It’s a bad way to die__

It’s just incredible to me the number of people in Butler County that don’t believe in COVID. Let me tell you, I just spent over a week flat on my back in an isolation room in Batesville, Arkansas, because that was the closest place the people in PBRMC could find for me. I have a friend in Jonesboro, Arkansas, because that was the closest place they could find for him. I have a fellow I was acquainted with that just died in Dexter with COVID. You go in these little stores ... many of the grocery stores, they don’t really enforce the mask mandate at all. That’s fine, it doesn’t really affect me because they tell me I’ll probably have immunity for six weeks or so after having been down with that stuff. But when you have something that strikes without warning, I had no fever, I had no cough, my blood pressure was good. I had zero strength and basically I guess my lungs had quit working. My confinement consisted of breathing therapies and oxygen. I don’t even know how many anti-blood-clotting shots those folks gave me. I don’t have any idea what was in the IVs they gave me.... Those folks at Batesville were really good to me and I managed to come home alive.

But there is something fundamentally wrong with people around here that think COVID is some kind of made up thing. .... It needs to be in every obituary what they died from because people aren’t taking it serious. ... It’s a bad way to die.


I think everybody should decorate. We should decorate downtown and the shopping centers… decorate Ray Clinton Park like we used to. To bring the spirit back into the holidays. Decorate your homes because the young and the young at heart, you need something to pick you up with this COVID-19. I know a lot of you have lost family, but cheer up, it’s going to get better. Everyone please, please, decorate and put up what you can.

__Challenge Joe__

Well as we have seen another election go critically awry in our nation. I would like to be the first veteran to challenge Uncle Joe... Vets go outside tomorrow, take your American flag and hang it upside down. You know it is the universal signal of distress and continue it until every Democratic county clerk that certified for Joe no longer holds their position over our votes. Remember, we are a free people as long as we are willing to fight to keep our freedom.

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__Trumped up lies__

I am baffled as to how many people in this nation are believing the trumped up lies about the voting process by Trump. His devoted followers are compared to the followers of Jim Jones. If Donald Trump would put out a vat of that grape Kool-Aid laced with cyanamide and tell his followers to drink it, they would, just as the followers of Jim Jones did in 1978. This is the worst nation in the world to allow Trump, and I do say Trump with no respect for him or his position, to allow him to get by with all this reckless foolishness.

__Healing is in order__

Thank you to Roger Burton for his comments on the election. Well said, kindly said. Yes healing is in order, seriously. Our democracy is hanging by a thread.

At this point the results of the election are clear. Biden won fair and square. Avenues to oppose the results have been followed to no avail. Biden won.

It is time to shift our attention to winning the battle with the COVID-19 virus. It is ravaging us, our medical system, and exposing our nation to ridicule. We can cooperate and do better. I pray this is still so.

Thanks again for your kind letter.

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