October 6, 2020

The city’s annual Buff Up the Bluff event may have gone from a spring clean up to a fall spruce up, but it is still expected to fill more than 20 construction dumpsters with items residents are ready to throw out. The event will be held from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday at the city leaf disposal site at County Road 604 and South F Street, behind the Twin Towers. Signs will be posted directing residents to the site...

Trucks full of trash line up in front of dumpsters at the city leaf disposal site on County Road 604 during the annual Buff Up the Bluff.
Trucks full of trash line up in front of dumpsters at the city leaf disposal site on County Road 604 during the annual Buff Up the Bluff.DAR FILE/Brian Rosener

The city’s annual Buff Up the Bluff event may have gone from a spring clean up to a fall spruce up, but it is still expected to fill more than 20 construction dumpsters with items residents are ready to throw out.

The event will be held from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturday at the city leaf disposal site at County Road 604 and South F Street, behind the Twin Towers. Signs will be posted directing residents to the site.

“There’s still a lot of things people accumulate over a year’s time that they can’t put in their regular trash,” said city manager Matt Winters. “It’s important to give them a way to dispose of those things as opposed to having them end up (somewhere) else.”

Everything from bulk metal items to furniture and carpet will be accepted.

Proof of city residency is required and can include utility bills or mail.

Curbside pickup will be provided Saturday by volunteers. This service is available only to residents 65 and older and there is no charge.

Those who qualify must call by 4 p.m. Thursday to schedule pickup. No calls will be taken after Thursday, according to city officials.

Residents should call 573-686-8622 between 9 a.m. and noon, and 1-4 p.m. to schedule the service.

Street department workers will be on site during the event to help direct residents.

Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission also will be at the event to receive tires. A fee of $3 will be charged for passenger vehicle tires and $7 for larger tires. No tires will be accepted if they are on a rim.

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The following items will be accepted at the dump site:

• Bulk metal items. Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners must have the compressors removed or they will not be accepted.

• Bulky items, including furniture, carpeting and construction materials.

• Limbs and brush. (These will be accepted at the collection site, but cannot be accepted through pick-up service.) No logs or stumps, wire or metal will be accepted in the brush.

• Leaves will be accepted, but cannot contain any plastic bags or foreign material.

The following items will not be accepted:

• Asphalt shingles

• Trash from businesses or construction sites

• Paint

The city also offers a monthly bulk curbside trash pick up for a fee.

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