Want to change your habits, live a healthier lifestyle, become more organized, and learn ways to improve you memory and emotions?
The University of Missouri Extension Human Development & Family Science Field Specialists are offering a statewide Boost Your Brain & Memory Class via Zoom. This is a virtual class beginning Monday, Sept. 28 to improve brain health.
“We have had prior participants tell us how much the program has given them hope,” said John Fuller, human development specialist with Butler County University Extension.
The class uses a whole-person approach that helps form new habits to live a healthier lifestyle, remember things better, be more organized, pay closer attention, and regulate your emotions. Each participant will receive a PDF workbook including memory exercises, tips on nutrition and exercise, and summaries of evidence-based research on brain health.
Anyone not familiar with “Zoom may contact our office at 573-686-8064 and we have a video and handout on how to use Zoom,” Fuller said.
Each session will have group discussion, educational videos, memory strategies, and goal settings around each session topic.
Session topics include the following related to brain health:
Sept. 28- Introduction: Brain health and why it is important at any age
Sept. 30- Physical Activity: Improving brain health and lowering risk of dementia
Oct. 5- Emotional Health: Everyone has stress, learn how to keep it manageable
Oct. 7- Intellectual Activity: Ways to challenge our brains through life-long learning
Oct. 12- Nutrition: How nutrition affects brain health
Oct. 14- Spiritual Activity: Ways to inspire brain health through spiritual activity
Oct. 19- Social Engagement: How to get the most out of social interactions
Oct. 21- Summary: Putting all the pieces together to make lasting lifestyle changes
Each participant will receive a downloadable workbook including memory exercises, tips on nutrition and exercise, and summaries of evidence-based research on brain health.
“Our aim is to help participants implement new habits to maintain cognitive health while also practicing new skills for better memory,” Fuller said.
The workshop will meet every Monday and Wednesday for four consecutive weeks from noon to 1 p.m., virtually via Zoom. The workshop has a registration fee of $20, this program is sponsored in part by United Healthcare.
To register go to https://extension2.missouri.edu/events/boost-your-brain-and-memory-lunch-learn-via-zoom.