My heart goes out to the teachers.
With school starting up, many are having to do school in new and totally unforeseen ways. In many school districts across the nation, virtual classes will be the norm and not the exception.
Many teachers are having to retrain and rethink how to best reach the students and many of the administration are having to wrestle with the day-to-day changes that this type of learning will bring.
It isn’t easy, and all too often we hear the lament, “I wish we could go back to the way it used to be.”
Well folks, that isn’t going to happen, but fear not, for God has that covered.
The one constant in the universe is change, and we are seeing that firsthand, but lest you start getting down, let me quote some scripture at you.
“Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (NRSV).
This quote comes form Isaiah 43:18-19.
Now, granted Isaiah was speaking to a people who were in exile. They had been conquered, and they were wanting to go back home. But, God lets them know he has other plans, and they will be good plans.
As a minister, I can empathize with the teachers and administrators at the schools.
I know it feels like we are all in a desert. It seems everyday we are faced with new challenges, threats and uncertainties.
But, that is no reason to be discouraged.
God is at work doing something new and wonderful. We may not know what to expect, but we can have faith that God is in control.
We will never be able to get back to the “good old days.”
But, when you think about it, were they actually all that great.
When we look to the future, we can see potential for some very amazing things to happen. Whether it is education, ministry or industry, the times are changing, and I don’t really think it is for the bad.
Things are going to be different, but different is OK.
Old habits will need to go by the wayside, and new activities will take over. I have no idea what this will all look like; all I know is God will show the way.
The only thing that won’t change is yours and my need to connect with the body of Christ.
We still need to gather, to worship and to pray, so look into ways you can help.
While you are at it, give the teachers and administrators a break.
None of them have ever taught during a pandemic, and this is all new to them. They need your support, your prayers and your understanding. Look for ways to help them to fulfill their God given calling of guiding our young ones into the future.
I’m still looking forward to the day when I will …
See you in church.
Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.
Editor’s Note: This is a regular series featuring area religious leaders writing about faith, family and community. To participate or suggest a church, contact us at or 573-785-1414. The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of the DAR.