Editor’s Note: This is the 11th of 12 stories highlighting Butler County Teachers of the Year.
Teaching is a two-way street for Neelyville High School science teacher Teresa Sheppard.
Sheppard is the Neelyville R-IV School District high school teacher of the year.
This is the first time the Neelyville district elected teachers of the year for each campus. Staff and students voted.
Superintendent Debra Parish said the plan was to elect a district teacher of the year, but closing early because of COVID-19 kept the vote from happening. As a result, both were recognized.
“Knowing that the kids and the staff both were involved in it makes it even more special because it’s always nice to be appreciated by both the kids and staff,” Sheppard said.
Sheppard earned her bachelor of science in education from Arkansas State University and a master degree from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar. She started teaching at Neelyville in 2000 and took a four-year break after having her son.
As a science teacher, Sheppard teaches anatomy and physiology, physics, chemistry and biology II.
Teaching always just came naturally, Sheppard said, and worked in connection with her enjoyment of learning.
Part of her views on teaching is that it’s an opportunity to learn on both sides of the classroom. While she’s an educator, she’s also continuing to learn.
“My kids teach me, and I teach them. They’ve taught me lots of things over the years, and I’ve taught them lots of things over the years,” Sheppard said.
While it can be a challenge at times, Sheppard said, her favorite part of the job is encouraging students to learn. She said there always are some who struggle with school and find it just “isn’t their thing,” but she enjoys trying to figure out ways to make learning fun for everybody.
“I think that in my classroom, we have fun, and I think the kids enjoy being in my room,” Sheppard said. “It just makes your day go by so much better when ... it’s not a dreaded place to be.”
The challenge comes from trying to help students understand the value in an education, even when academics isn’t something they’re interested in, she said.
“I want everybody to have an education because I think that’s the key to being successful in life,” Sheppard said. “And, sometimes it’s hard to get kids to realize that what they’re gaining here will help them later.
“Whether or not they realize it at that point ... that’s the hardest part, getting the kids to see the value in what they’re getting.”
Sheppard has spent all of her teaching career with the Neelyville district and said she enjoys it there.
“I think that in Neelyville, we have really great kids, and we have great parents,” Sheppard said. “And, I think we have a really good school there.
“It’s a pleasure to get to watch those kids and be a part of their lives for just a little bit of time.”