July 23, 2020

As of Monday, July 27, Three Rivers College will require face coverings to be worn by faculty, staff, students, and visitors while in a building and not able to physically separate in an office or room with others present. Face coverings must be worn outdoors if the recommended six feet social distancing cannot be maintained.

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As of Monday, July 27, Three Rivers College will require face coverings to be worn by faculty, staff, students, and visitors while in a building and not able to physically separate in an office or room with others present.

Face coverings must be worn outdoors if the recommended six feet social distancing cannot be maintained.

Students living in College housing are not required to wear face coverings when inside their housing unit, but must otherwise follow the requirements.

If more than one individual is present, face coverings must also be worn inside College vehicles. As with other buildings, face coverings must be worn in food service areas and food will only be available to-go.

“We understand that wearing face coverings can be uncomfortable and can feel like a hassle, but it is necessary to provide a safe work and learning environment at this time,” said Dr. Wesley Payne, president of Three Rivers College.

“Social distancing is often not possible in classrooms and crowded hallways, for instance,” said Payne. “We have been consulting with local health officials, and all recommend face coverings when social distancing is not possible. Our students’ health and safety are of the utmost importance. So, while it may seem inconvenient, we believe requiring face coverings is one of the best things we can do to keep our students, faculty, and staff healthy.”

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Like with other attire, face coverings cannot have imagery or words that would be disruptive to the learning environment.

Face coverings must properly cover the nose and mouth and against the sides of the face and be secured around the head as a tube, with ties, or ear loops. Bandanas, kerchiefs, articles of clothing, masks with exhalation valves, or items which are held against the face by hand are not acceptable forms of facial coverings.

There are some exceptions to the mandate. If a person is not able to wear face coverings due to valid health concerns, then reasonable adjustments will be made.

Students with valid health concerns should contact Ann Matthews, dean of students, at 573-840-9669 or amatthews@trcc.edu. Faculty and staff with valid health concerns should contact Kristina McDaniel, Director of Human Resources, at 573-840-9695 or kristinamcdaniel@trcc.edu.

Individuals engaged in physical education activity, athletic competition/practice, and theater/music performance are not required to wear a face covering during the activity but are encouraged to maintain social distancing if possible.

Employees and students will each be provided one cloth face covering at the start of the semester, which begins on August 17.

It is the responsibility of employees and students to have their face coverings available and properly maintained. Information will be provided to all students, faculty, and staff on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.

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