July 23, 2020

Letters to the Editor policy for candidates, elections: Letters by a candidate may run one time per month and must follow the existing policy for letters, including no libelous or personal attacks. Letters cannot reference a challenging candidate within one week of election day...

Letters to the Editor policy for candidates, elections:

Letters by a candidate may run one time per month and must follow the existing policy for letters, including no libelous or personal attacks. Letters cannot reference a challenging candidate within one week of election day.

Candidates may have a second letter per month to respond to a specific mention in an opposing candidate’s letter.

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Letters regarding ballot measures and other election concerns must be submitted within 10 days of the election. Letters will be scheduled for print on a first come, as space is available basis.

Deadlines concerning the Aug. 4 primary:

Candidate letters must be received no later than noon Saturday, July 25, and must follow election letter policies. Final letters will be scheduled on a first come, as space is available basis in the Tuesday, July 28, edition.

Candidate letters in response to a specific reference by a challenging candidate must be received no later than noon Wednesday, July 29. Letters will be published on a first come, as space is available basis no later than the Friday, July 31, edition.

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