July 22, 2020

DONIPHAN — A Doniphan man is fighting for his life, and his family and friends want to help in his battle. They are asking for prayers and are planning a benefit from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 9, at Patsy’s Hitchin’ Rail Bar & Grill in Doniphan. The benefit was the brainchild of Patsy Mobley of the Journeyman Restaurant, family members said...

William and Christine Cato
William and Christine CatoPhoto provided

DONIPHAN — A Doniphan man is fighting for his life, and his family and friends want to help in his battle.

They are asking for prayers and are planning a benefit from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 9, at Patsy’s Hitchin’ Rail Bar & Grill in Doniphan. The benefit was the brainchild of Patsy Mobley of the Journeyman Restaurant, family members said.

William Cato, 52, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in June, said his sister Rebecca Cato of Doniphan.

When William Cato wasn’t feeling well in June, he went to the doctor and after tests learned his diagnoses.

The tests showed the non-Hodgkin lymphoma in various places in his body. The mass in his stomach was the size of an orange and grew to the size of a cantaloupe before treatment. The disease also appeared in a lot of areas, including his arm and ribs.

The family learned he had a double hit, which happens in 4% of non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients, also being diagnosed with hyhemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), which is a secondary disease because the immune system doesn’t work properly, she said.

William Cato works for the Missouri Department of Conservation.

His wife, Christine, who is a registered nurse at Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center, is taking time away from work to help care for him, Rebecca Cato said. He’s being treated at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis with “a very aggressive treatment.”

Because of the coronavirus, his wife is limited in how many times she may leave his room.

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The Catos attend Faith, Life, Christian Church, a Christian nondenominational church in Doniphan.

“William and Christine are overwhelmed by the community support, prayers and love and would like to thank all the businesses and individuals who have donated to the benefit. They feel very humbled,” Rebecca Cato said.

The Catos have four sons and four grandchildren. William is the one of seven siblings. He loves live music, his grandchildren, being outside, photography, taking care of his dogs and hunting.

During the benefit, food will be provided by Patsy Mobley. Other events included the day will be: auctions, 50/50 drawing and raffles.

Turner’s Grocery and Dons Guns are donating a Ruger 10/22 brass engraved 22LR Walnut Stock. Magee Farm Equipment in Poplar Bluff is donating a grill featuring 90-square-inch cooking area. A kayak will be donated by Patsy’s Journeyman Restaurant.

Raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5. You do not have to be present to win.

Tickets for the raffle can be purchased at Turner’s Grocery in Fairdealing, Patsy’s Daily Convenience or Patsy’s Restaurant, Hidden Valley Kennel, all in Doniphan, and Magee Farm Equipment Poplar Bluff.

You can also reach out to any family member on the event page.

If anyone would like to donate an item or a gift certificate for a service they provide, they may call Turner’s Grocery at 573-857-2793 or go to the event page on Facebook and send a message at https://www.facebook.com/events/306499717156184/.

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