June 12, 2020

Edna Anderson of Dexter turned 101 on June 4; however, amid COVID-19 safeguards, the day passed without the fanfare of a large family celebration one would expect on such a momentous occasion. There was a party, though, and Anderson was thrilled with the effort...

Nancy Nelson Vines Contributing Writer
Celebrating Edna Anderson’s 100th birthday in June 2019 are her children Darrel Anderson, Bloomfield; Cindy Gates, Dexter; and Roger Anderson, Poplar Bluff.
Celebrating Edna Anderson’s 100th birthday in June 2019 are her children Darrel Anderson, Bloomfield; Cindy Gates, Dexter; and Roger Anderson, Poplar Bluff. Photo provided

Edna Anderson of Dexter turned 101 on June 4; however, amid COVID-19 safeguards, the day passed without the fanfare of a large family celebration one would expect on such a momentous occasion. There was a party, though, and Anderson was thrilled with the effort.

“The nursing home staff did all they could to make the day special for her,” reports Anderson’s daughter Cindy Gates. “She wore a birthday crown and had a cupcake. The staff even sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her, and she received several cards in the mail. She said it was a great day.”

Anderson is not a victim of the COVID virus, but like residents in most long-term care facilities, she is quarantined to keep her safe. With her mother inaccessible, Gates shared a bit from her mother’s life story.

Lunch lady Edna Anderson of Dexter in the kitchen at Bloomfield Schools.
Lunch lady Edna Anderson of Dexter in the kitchen at Bloomfield Schools.Photo provided

“Mom was already 40-years-old by the time I was born,” laughs Gates, “so I never heard much about her early life. Luckily, though, her sister, my aunt Opal Miller, wrote down some childhood memories, so I have learned a little bit from reading her journal.”

“Mom’s parents were Lonzo and Mina Duncan Wolpers. They married in 1911 and moved to Zalma. Mom was born there,in 1919, the eldest of six children.

“According to Aunt Opal’s history, growing up, the children all had assigned chores, and Mom’s was doing the ironing.”

Edna Anderson around the time she married Cotton. Circa 1940.
Edna Anderson around the time she married Cotton. Circa 1940.Photo provided

Gates goes on to say, “You know that old cliché about walking 10 miles to school every day? Well, according to the journal, the children all attended the Renner School and walked a mile-and-a-half both ways to get there. Their journey included steep hills, valleys, and crossing a creek.”

Gates relates that the family eventually moved to the Bloomfield/Dexter area. Her mother graduated from Dexter High School and went to work at Elder’s Manufacturing in Dexter. She and Emiel “Cotton” Anderson married in 1940, and Anderson continued to work at the factory off-and-on until after her last child was born.

“Mom worked as a housekeeper for a little while,” Gates recalls, “then in the mid-70s she went to work as a cook at the Bloomfield Schools. She was there about 10 years, and loved being a lunch lady.”

Gates says her mother was always active and continued to live in her home for 24 years after the loss of her husband in 1994.

“Mom always had a big garden,” Gates says fondly, “and of course, canned and preserved what she grew. She kept us all supplied with the results of her hard work. At Christmas she gave us homemade jellies and peanut brittle. She made delicious peanut brittle. The grandkids loved her chocolate chip cookies, so she was sure to always have those on hand.”

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Gates says that in addition to staying busy in her home, Anderson was also an active member in the Dexter Church of Christ.

“When Mom turned 95, we held a birthday party at her home,” Gates recounts with a smile. “Mom made the comment, ‘I never dreamed I would make it this long. I sure hope I don’t live to be a hundred!’ ”

Gates declares she never had any doubt her mother would make it.

“She survived colon cancer in 1978, the loss of her husband, three children, and all of her siblings, and then just a few years ago a broken leg.”

*The Anderson family at Edna and Cotton’s 50th wedding celebration in 1990. From left are Kenny, Darrel, Larry, Edna, Cotton, Cindy and Roger.
*The Anderson family at Edna and Cotton’s 50th wedding celebration in 1990. From left are Kenny, Darrel, Larry, Edna, Cotton, Cindy and Roger.Photo provided

It was the leg injury, though, that put an end to Anderson’s living at home.

“Two years ago she went to the nursing home for rehab, after she hurt her leg,” Gates explains. “It soon became apparent, though, that she was not going to get strong enough to be able to be at home.”

Gates says until the quarantine situation, the family visited Anderson frequently.

“For the most part,” says Gates, “I went about every day. I would usually go in the mornings, because that seems to be her best time of day.

“The last time I saw her was March 12—the day before they closed the facility. Mom is very hard of hearing, so she can’t talk on the phone. It is really strange not to be able to see or talk to her, but the nursing home is so good to call and update us on the virus situation. When I call, they always have time to talk to me and let me know how she’s doing.”

Gates discloses that she is anxious to be with her mother again, and is looking forward to the delayed birthday celebration.

“It will be great to be able to see her and visit. I have missed that. We’ll have some sort of party for her—even if it’s 101 ½!”

Anderson and her husband Cotton were parents to six children—Kenny, Darrel, Larry, Phillip, Cindy, and Roger. Phillip passed away in 1962; Larry, in 2005; and Kenny in 2014.

“There are 17 grandchildren,” Gates point out, and laughingly adds, “but I’ve lost count of the greats and great greats.”

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