Every year, thousands of law enforcement officers raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics Missouri through the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR).
Due to COVID-19, Special Olympics Missouri (SOMO) had to cancel the in-person portion for the State Summer Games and the Torch Run.
This event is usually reserved for law enforcement personnel only, but this year organizors are trying something new.
In honor of the 35th year of the Torch Run, everyone (law enforcement officers, coaches, families, SOMO athletes, sponsors, community members, etc.) is invited to run/walk/roll 3.5 miles in their neighborhood to participate. Pay $10 to participate; pay/fundraise a total of $35 and you get a shirt.
The official run will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday.
If you can’t participate on that day, you can take part any other day that week.
Regardless of when you run, walk, or roll that week, take pictures and post them to social media with the hashtag #SOMOVirtualTorchRun.
For more information about the #SOMOVirtualTorchRun, please contact Crystal Schuster at 573-635-1660 or email cschuster@somo.org.
Please also visit www.somo.rallyup.com/virtualtorchrun2020.