Poplar Bluffian Betty Absheer is this year’s recipient of the Marilyn J. Bell Humanitarian Award presented by Altrusa District Eight.
Absheer, who didn’t know she was nominated, learned she won during a video conference. COVID-19 forced the group to cancel its district meeting. Absheer plans to pick up her award at the 2021 meeting.
Governor-elect of Altrusa District Eight Penny Storms said, “The Marilynn J. Bell Humanitarian Award was established to honor the exemplary leadership and contributions by a Governor of District Eight from Fayetteville, Ark.
“The award is patterned after the Altrusa International Eleanor Roosevelt Humanitarian Award received by Marilynn Bell in 2005. The awards are both designed to recognize an Altrusan who makes a lasting contribution to community service as a result of their involvement with Altrusa,” Storms said.
An Altrusan for 44 years, Absheer was Poplar Bluff’s first woman mayor.
Storms said, Absheer “has maintained both a professional and philanthropic standard that places her in the highest echelon of civic honor. She has been extremely dependable and cooperative in her responsibilities as a community leader and continues to be the standard of excellence. Her positive attitude on life enhances the confidence of those around her.”
Along with Altrusa officials, Poplar Bluff city leaders are quick to praise Absheer for her service to the community.
Poplar Bluff City Clerk Nevada Young recalls during Absheer’s time on city council she worked to achieve many improvements for the city. Among them are the establishment of the Highway 67 Coalition to make Highway 67 a safer route as a four-lane highway from Poplar Bluff to St. Louis. She also worked for the Eight-Points Development shopping center complex.
Young said while Absheer served on the council, the building of Shelby Road and improvements to Oak Grove Road took place, as well as the building of a new local hospital complex.
Also on the list were numerous improvement projects for the city-owned airport, and she worked to bring multiple industries to the city.
Absheer worked to preserve the city’s historical buildings and environments by approving grants for studies and historic designations throughout the city, Young said. Absheer worked with the city council to improve the quality of life for the underprivileged and minority citizens.
“Ms. Absheer’s achievements are too many to list,” Young said. “She has worked for her city, without pay, for many, many years. Through many difficult years, she maintained her professionalism and voted for what was best for the citizens regardless of controversy. She once told me that when considering anything of importance as a councilwoman and in general, get the facts, study it, pray about it and make a conscious decision to do what’s best for everyone concerned and that you can feel good about.”
Poplar Bluff City Manager Mark Massingham said, “Betty Absheer is the type of person we all should strive to be. When you ask for her help she is there, without question. She has a close relationship with God, and it shows in her actions.
“She dedicated almost 30 years to the citizens of Poplar Bluff,” Massingham said. “She was Poplar Bluff’s first woman mayor in 1993 and served as mayor five different times throughout her career. Ronald Reagan once said, ‘The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’ With Betty those words were always true. As a councilwoman and mayor, she was always there to help. “
Poplar Bluff police chief and former city council member Danny Whiteley recalls, “I served on the council with Betty for many, many years. She is an outstanding Christian lady and an outstanding advocate and ambassador for Poplar Bluff. Betty Absheer is a great friend.”
Storms acknowledged Absheer “has not only been instrumental in the growth and progressiveness of her community, but for District Eight, and her local club.”
One recommendation said, “She is the solid rock everyone leans on, the sympathetic shoulder we cry on and the human Altrusa dictionary we rely on.”
Another said, Absheer “is someone that we all could imitate and be successful.”
The Altrusan has served multiple terms in her local club as president, treasurer, membership chair and nominating committee chair.
At the district level she has been second vice governor, first vice governor, governor-elect, governor, information chair and on the district nominating committee.
At the international level, besides representing District Eight on the governors’ council, she served two terms as a director and one term as second vice president.