May 28, 2020

To the Editor: This will be very short. We have a council election this Tuesday and an internet tax proposal. Here are the options. The city needs the tax passed. I am for passing the tax, just not right now. If we give the city council additional funds while they are misbehaving then they will have no incentive to change and to not continue snubbing the will of the citizens. ...

To the Editor:

This will be very short. We have a council election this Tuesday and an internet tax proposal. Here are the options.

The city needs the tax passed. I am for passing the tax, just not right now. If we give the city council additional funds while they are misbehaving then they will have no incentive to change and to not continue snubbing the will of the citizens. And yes, I realize the difference in which monies can be spent on what, but this is the only leverage that we have right now. If we get some more responsive minds sitting on the council, folks who are going to listen to the residents of Poplar Bluff and not pursue the Shelby Road location for any city facility, then we can always pass the internet tax this August. Those few months will only be a minor difference.

If we pass the tax and leave the balance of power on the council as is, then I am very worried that we are setting ourselves up for an enormously expensive and luxurious police and city hall facilities, ones the city neither needs nor can afford.

Choose wisely.


Tim Funke

Poplar Bluff
